DNS provider recommendations

James Tanis jtanis at mdchs.org
Sun Jul 20 16:29:21 UTC 2008

>> Do you have a recommendation for a DNS provider?  The client has about 5
>> domains.  They aren't highly technical.
>> So far I've seen UltraDNS and DNSMadeEasy.
> Hey Dan,
> I'm actually happy with www.dyndns.org.  it's a freebsd shop - and
> i've moved my registration and dns mgt over to them.

I've been using zoneedit.com for years and years, I have my personal dns and
my workplaces dns over there without any problems. They serve up to 5
domains free per account I believe, and also have (non-free but cheap)
services like mx backup which are nice.
James Tanis
Technical Coordinator
Monsignor Donovan Catholic High School
e: jtanis at mdchs.org

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