Any good alternative to Raspberry for Arm64?

Dan Kotowski dan.kotowski at
Tue Mar 30 22:52:54 UTC 2021

>> Am 30.03.2021 um 20:43 schrieb Philipp Klaus Krause <pkk at>:
>> Am 30.03.21 um 16:39 schrieb Dan Kotowski:
>>> * no onboard NIC drivers because they're connected via DPAA2 which we don't have any support for and I just don't have the time or expertise to write those myself :
>> Would running Debian GNU/Linux as host OS with FreeBSD guest in qemu/kvm
>> be a workaorund for the missing network support?

Yes. This might work, but it's far from ideal.

> to replace RJ45 Gbe you can simply plug an $10 uSB->Gbe-Dongle ,

Yes, I'm currently swapping between a CACE AirPcap NX (otus) and a Microchip LAN7800 EVB (muge) from They're ugly but functional.

> `guess SFP+ would need more special driver-attention ...
> from quick reading around the web I guess the DPAA2 also needs a closed source binary blob.

So this actually comes from NXP, not SolidRun. Linux already has some/most of what's needed, and the license is GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-3-Clause so there's hope, but I haven't heard a peep from NXP and SolidRun doesn't really have the manpower to port to FreeBSD themselves.

> they support both edkII & u-boot :

Can confirm, but their head of engineering seems to much prefer edkii:

> they want to sell, so why they shouldn’t provide support?

They do for Linux but we're blazing new trails over here on FreeBSD.

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