Raspberry Pi 3 Network Boot

Greg V greg at unrelenting.technology
Mon Jan 15 17:11:55 UTC 2018

Hi. I'm looking to boot an RPi3 over the network. Has anyone here done 
that successfully?

I managed to netboot into loader.efi using an updated U-boot (2018.01) 
after doing some terrible hacks in U-boot:

- removing the check that results in EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES 
when allocating memory in here: 
— that error never happened with SD card boot though, WTF is going on here?

- changing the receive_filters function 
from returning EFI_UNSUPPORTED to EFI_SUCCESS (this probably should 
actually be handled on the loader side?)

But loader.efi could not fetch a kernel to boot. TFTP or NFS, it just 
blinks the ethernet LEDs and errors, no packets are visible on the server…

Also, new U-boot doesn't seem to boot from SD card correctly. Nothing 
happens after the loader (?) displays framebuffer parameters. Has anyone 
else looked into upgrading the U-boot in ports?

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