Fwd: ARM ServerReady ?

Leif Lindholm leif.lindholm at linaro.org
Fri Dec 14 10:56:08 UTC 2018

(Apologies for breaking threading, I wasn't subscribed when the below
was sent.)

On Wed, 21 Nov 2018 at 21:16 +0000, Kurt Jaeger wrote:
> Who's aware of this new(?) ARM ServerReady testsuite etc ?


> https://developer.arm.com/products/architecture/platform-design/server-and-infrastructure
> Is the FreeBSD ARM port somewhere involved in that already ?

The testsuite is based on https://01.org/linux-uefi-validation, but
also bundles a separate SBSA testsuite, and a variant of the UEFI SCT
that also checks aspects mandated by SBBR.

But fundamentally, this is a test suite for server systems, to verify
compliance of hardware and firmware. The relevance to FreeBSD should
simply be that systems that pass it should require no
platform-specific hacks to boot an existing kernel (although obvs. in
some cases additional drivers might be required).

Now, that is also pegged off ACPI, so depending on the state of that
in the arm64 port, there may still be some firmware jigging required
for DT.


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