X on RPI2?

Carl Johnson carlj at peak.org
Mon Nov 2 17:13:43 UTC 2015

"Brian McGovern (bmcgover)" <bmcgover at cisco.com> writes:

> I've taken a look through the mail archives and Google looking for
> details about setting up Xorg on FreeBSD-current on the Raspberry Pi
> 2. I've found some conflicting information, and much of the material
> seems to be "older" (e.g. from Feb-May of 2015). I'm guessing from the
> fade in conversation, people have either 'figured it out' and I can't
> find the documentation, or people have given up.
> I've seen references to both xf86-video-fbdev and xf86-video-scfb,
> although from the log file (attached), xf86-video-fbdev seems to be
> the more right, but it appears that I'm missing the fbdevhwModuleData
> object for the FreeBSD fb device.
> For reference, the system is running the code and ports from early
> afternoon, ET, 10/28, base/head and ports/head.
> Does anyone have this working? If so, could you tell me the secret
> sauce? I'm hoping to get a couple of the PIs driving their own
> displays, even if sub-optimally.

The important thing for me was to use the proper Xorg.conf.  I ended up
just copying the Xorg.conf file from the link¹ on the Raspberry Page² on
the FreeBSD wiki.  I am using 8.2-RELEASE on a Raspberry Pi B+, so I
don't know that it will work on the newer snapshots.  The rest of that
page is very old but the xorg.conf works for me.

¹ http://blog.cochard.me/2013/03/xorg-for-freebsd-on-raspberry-pi.html
² https://wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/arm/Raspberry%20Pi
Carl Johnson		carlj at peak.org

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