How can I cross-compile the packages for ARM on i386 FreeBSD?

Mattia Rossi mrossi at
Thu Sep 22 00:14:18 UTC 2011

Here you'll find my experience with cross-compiling:

You need to play with the configure args and the -rpath an -L settings a 
bit, and compile one port a at a time (each dependency by itself) for 
best results.

The end of cross-compiling came to me in the form of perl..


On 22/09/2011 00:04, Naoyuki Tai wrote:
> I'm running my DreamPlug off of a 4GB USB stick. First partition is
> a small DOS partition for kernel.bin, and the rest (/dev/sd2s2a) is
> the root partition. (I'll switch to larger SD card at some point.)
> With the root file system compiled into the kernel,
> (options ROOTDEVNAME=\"ufs:/dev/da2s2a\")
> The first snag was that I could not use the portsnap.
> After googling a little, I found out that disabling the clustering
> of file I/O may fix it.
> cat /etc/fstab
> /dev/da2s2a / ufs rw,noclusterr,noclusterw 1 1
> After finding this out, I noticed
> uses these mount option flags. (doh!)
> Anyhow, at this point, I can probably compile every port. But it
> would be really time consuming to do so on the DreamPlug.
> I'd like to learn how I can build the packages for the ARM on
> the Intel FreeBSD 8.2 where I compiled the kernel for ARM.
> Could someone point the direction for me?
> Thanks.
> -- Tai
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