Align exception (was: MMC cards support)

Stanislav Sedov stas at
Sat Dec 15 13:10:19 PST 2007

On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 07:43:48PM +0300 Stanislav Sedov mentioned:
> This address always comes from it->it_thread. and should obviously
> reflect thread td structure:
>         td = it->it_thread;
> c00ee064:       e51b301c        ldr     r3, [fp, #-28]
> c00ee068:       e5933004        ldr     r3, [r3, #4]
> c00ee06c:       e50b3018        str     r3, [fp, #-24]
>         p = td->td_proc;
> c00ee070:       e51b3018        ldr     r3, [fp, #-24]
> c00ee074:       e5933004        ldr     r3, [r3, #4]
> However the contents of td (r3) is always 42203735 when
> it's loaded from it->it_thread. It looks like uart does
> something awful with the interrupt thread pointer.

It's even better, when ithread_create initializes
structure for intr_thread, it does this correctly for all
interrupts, however when intr_event_schedule_thread began to
work on the uart0 interrupt event the intr_thread *it
structure contents is entirely broken, though the address
itself is correct. Very suspicios...

Maybe I'm doing something wrong? What I did - I've build
the kernel using usual buildworld/buildkernel sequence,
loaded the resulting kernel image (I've tried both
kernel and kernel.bin) using u-boot to the KERNPHYSADDR
and jumped there. Though it seems to mount NFS correctly,
so the memory should be ok in my case.

Stanislav Sedov

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