Official git export

K. Macy kmacy at
Tue Aug 30 02:37:35 UTC 2011

> My understanding is that with git it's possible to "graft" one tree onto
> another, so that most people only have to check out recent history, and can
> check out a separate ancient history.  This has at least been proposed in
> the context of the net-im/zephyr upstream, where development happened
> concurrently in multiple trees (in different VCSes) for a period of time
> maybe ten years ago.  Current development is all consolidated in a single
> subversion tree, and the proposal was to convert that repository now to have
> something to work with, and worry about getting the ancient history right at
> a later time.

My knowledge of git is limited but I know that git clone has the
--depth option for specifying a shallow clone that only goes back N
changesets. Git also has "submodule" which provides some functionality
for the notion of subprojects which can limit what is enclosed within
a given repo to some extent.


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