New "timeout" api, to replace callout

Poul-Henning Kamp phk at
Sun Dec 2 03:58:06 PST 2007

In message <4752998A.9030007 at>, Andre Oppermann writes:

>  o TCP maintains a number of concurrent, but hierarchical timers for
>    each session.  What predominantly happens is a reschedule of an
>    existing timer, that means it wasn't close to firing and is moved
>    out again.  This happens for every incoming segment.
>     -> The timer facility should make it simple and efficient to move
>        the deadline into the future.

That is more or less the reason for the multiple timescales (ns,us,ms,s)
and the TIMEOUT_UNLIKELY flag.

For long running timeouts that almost never happen, I don't want
to even move them in a linked list when their time is moved further
in the future.  A timeout that is 60 seconds
or more into the future can just be put on any random shelf until
it gets a lot closer.

The exact mechanism is TBD, but the intent is to not waste time on
timeouts that are unlikely to happen, and to avoid them getting in
the way of the timeouts that we do happen.

>  o TCP puts the timer into an allocated structure and upon close of the
>    session it has to be deallocated including stopping of all currently
>    running timers.
>    [...]
>     -> The timer facility should provide an atomic stop/remove call
>        that prevent any further callbacks upon return.  It should not
>        do a 'drain' where the callback may be run anyway.
>        Note: We hold the lock the callback would have to obtain.

It is my intent, that the implementation behind the new API will
only ever grab the specified lock when it calls the timeout function.

When you do a timeout_disable() or timeout_cleanup() you will be
sleeping on a mutex internal to the implementation, if the timeout
is currently executing.

>  o TCP has hot and cold CPU/cache affinity.
>     -> The timer facility should provide strong, weak and "don't care"
>        CPU affinity.  The affinity should be selected for a timer as
>        whole, not upon each call.

That is the "timeout_p" you pass into timeout_init() is for.

What values we will provide there is not decided, apart from NULL
meaning "whatever..."

>  o TCP's data structure is exported to userspace and contains the
>    timeout data structures.  This complicates timeout handling as
>    the data structure is not known to userland and we have to do
>    some hacks to prevent exposure.
>     -> The timer facility should provide an opaque userland compat
>        header definition.

I don't even want to expose its content to the client code, but
I do want its size known at compile time.

My current definition looks like:

	struct timeout {
		struct timeout_p        *_prov;
		union {
			uintptr_t       _timeout_private_i;
			void            *_timeout_private_p;
		} _u[10];

(for some value of 10)

I'm still playing with it.

Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
phk at FreeBSD.ORG         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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