Network-related device drivers and MPSAFEty: status, and plans for 7.0

M. Warner Losh imp at
Tue Jul 19 15:29:12 GMT 2005

In message: <20050719.092044.41685623.imp at>
            Warner Losh <imp at> writes:
: > Some of the mii/phy drivers we have are specific to just one particular
: > network driver.
: I've been looking into listing the mii drivers to include in a given
: kernel.  For the general case, we want to include them all.  For
: specific cases, only a small subset are necessary.  I don't think
: tying them to a specific driver is necessarily the right way to go, as
: old designs have a bad habit of reappearing in new when you least
: expect it.

BTW, explicit lists are much easier now that we can have something
	include mii.all
in our config files.  As for the modules, some thought and care is
necessary there, but I'm working on a long term build evolution for
modules that might make solving the mii problem easier.  As I move
through the prototyping stage, I'll be posting some test patches.  You
can watch the progress in p4.


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