CFD: XMLification of NOTES

Dag-ErlingSmørgrav des at
Tue Mar 30 15:54:18 PST 2004

Alexey Zelkin <phantom at> writes:
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 05:05:24PM +0200, Dag-Erling Sm?rgrav wrote:
> > NOTES is not intended as a list of supported device and options.  We
> > have src/sys/conf/files* and src/sys/conf/options* for that.
> Strange.  IMO LINT was existed for exactly this reason

Your opinion does not matter.  The purpose of LINT is to cover as much
code as possible.  Why do you think it's called LINT?

(hint: man lint)

> I am not asking for patches, but if you would provide me general
> description how to realize that CPU_I386 conflicts with SMP and
> ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES depends on SMP (using your way) I would be happy and
> re-think my approach.

CPU_I386 should not conflict with SMP, but a kernel build with both
will be very slow.

ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES does not depend on SMP, though it's a no-op unless
SMP is enabled.

Dag-Erling Smørgrav - des at

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