BSD Mall : to hell

Allen slackwarewolf at
Sun Mar 19 10:14:49 UTC 2006

On Saturday 18 March 2006 12:25 pm, Gilbert Fernandes wrote:
> > I ripped them so bad an NT server would look good. A week later I
> > get a phone call and do to a "problem" they couldn't get back to
> > me for almost 2 weeks. They finally sent my DVD and a BSD
> > sticker.
> They sent me an email with another promise to send me the
> FreeBSD DVDs. One month later, still nothing.

I tested an order the other day to give them another shot. My DVD did come 
finally as I said last time, but I wanted to test a new order. So I ordered 
the Linux World pass, which was free and they sent THAT, two nice sized BSD 
stickers, and two stacks of smaller daemon stickers.

Needless to say I was kind of shocked to see all this. They sent me free 
stickers and I took that as an apology.

They really should put their number back on the site too, it makes it seem 
like tey don't want people calling or something. Anyway justw anted to update 
everyone that I got my DVD, and they free order was sent with freebies, so 
they are trying it seems.

> Do not order anything from them. They're a scam.
> --
> unzip ; strip ; touch ; grep ; find ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ;
> fsck ; umount ; sleep

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