cvs commit: doc/share/images/articles/releng branches-head.pic branches-releng3.pic branches-releng4.pic

Marc Fonvieille blackend at
Thu Apr 8 02:44:35 PDT 2004

On Thu, Apr 08, 2004 at 11:35:46AM +0300, Alexey Zelkin wrote:
> hi,
> I am not PIC expert, so it would be nice if someone with better knowledge
> of this area review these.

They seem Ok, there are many ways to do the same thing in a .pic file.
But I did not see the result in png format which is the more important
in our case :)

> BTW, someone with Tex-fu should take a look on www/en/gifs/branches.tex,
> update it and regenerate branches.png in same directory.

bmah@ had something for, it was done with
(maybe a bad thing), I don't know what happened to his file/project.
In fact we talked about that when we got a PR for the file you updated
(I have the PR under a lot of dust in my basket:)).

Anyway, I will update www/en/gifs/branches.tex when I will have time (in
1 or 2 weeks).


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