SCSI HD spin down

Peter J. Holzer hjp at
Thu May 16 03:00:55 PDT 2002

On 2002-05-16 10:01:12 +0200, Norman Urs Baier wrote:
> Is there a utility, such as hdparm, which I can use to set and get settings 
> of the SCSI Disk? Has the aic7xxx driver some (undocumented) Options? Your 
> answer makes me believe, that in fact the disk should spin down!? 

AFAIK the Linux SCSI driver cannot spin down disks. There used to be a
patch but it was never incorporated into the kernel (on grounds of "scsi
disks are for servers and servers don't spin down disks") and I don't
know if it is still maintained.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer      | Aeltere Sources (also solche, die schon
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR / LUGA  | aelter als 12 Stunden sind) sollte man
| |   | hjp at        | bei Linux generell nicht einsetzen -
__/   |   | Real Time Linux??    -- Gerhard Schneider
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