Adaptec AHA-2940

Ibarra, Amando AIbarra at
Tue Oct 24 04:59:42 PDT 2000

I have an Adaptec AHA-2940 host adapter to connect a 2gb disk drive.

 I'm seeing

 scsi : 0 hosts.
 scsi : detected total.

 when it boots.

The 1st time I installed the scsi card on the system ; the system detected
any problem and I was abled to go to the scsiSelect option and format the
with no problem. Linux OS prompt if I wanted to configure the scsi card and
I said OK.

In the /etc/conf.modules files there is an entry for the dirver
 'alias scsi-hostadapter aic7xxx'

When I run the ' fdisk /dev/sda ' , It does nothing it just sit there until
abort the with CTRL/Z

If I run the ' fdisk /dev/sga ' and then abort it with CTRL/Z and
run the ' fdisk /dev/sda ' again it 'fdisk' works and I'm abled partiton
disk drive without problem
>From here I'm lost don't know what to do next. 

In Solaris I normally run format utility and selecl disk drive, partition
the drive and label it 
each partition. After the 'format'  i run the ' newfs ' to get the partition
ready to mount.

In Linux I don't know what to do after the fdisk.

I know I have something wrong with the driver but I don't know what I need
to fix this problem

At boot time the the information that it is sent to the console about the
Adaptec card
is :     AHA-2940 Bios V1.23

Amando A. Ibarra
LAN Administrator
FAX:  713.561.1314
mailto:aibarra at
Bindview Corporation

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