does linux detect ASUS p2b-s ?

Alex Farber alex at
Mon Aug 31 13:53:48 PDT 1998

phaseV wrote:
> No, i'm not asking how to, (hints are welcome, though)
> i just like to know if it's possible to get my asus p2b-s
> mainboard to work with linux.


I think it does. I have an ASUS P2B-S MB too and a Ultra-wide 
IBM SCSI disk. There's a patch for 2.0.35 kernel by Doug, at: and it works for
my current Red Hat Linux installed on an older IDE-disk -
I am able to mount and the SCSI disk.

And there are some Red Hat install disks at and
but they don't work for me. The disk from the 1st address is
1600 KB big and maybe that's why my MB can't boot from it. The
disk from the 2nd address is missing the ne.o module for my NE2000
network card.

So I have tried to make my own install disks using the instructions
attached to this mail to modify the initrd.img. And I think it worked,
since the Red Hat installation starts well. But then it stucks when
insmoding aic7xxx.o. I think the reason is, that the vmlinuz is not
compatible with the modules that I have compiled and put into the 
initrd.img. So I just overwrite the vmlinuz with my own kernel and it
kind of works too - it boots, but does not start the Red Hat install 
program (why?). It boots my old Linux from the IDE-disk.

What helps? I would appreciate any hints, since I am new to Linux, but
I think I am close to the solution, just missing some important step...


-------------- next part --------------

cd ~
# go to ~root

gcc -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c 3c59x.c `[ -f /usr/include/linux/modversions.h ] && echo -DMODVERSIONS`
# compile the module

# put the RedHat 5.1 boot diskette in the reader

mcopy a:initrd.img /tmp                            
# you have to copy the file initrd.img from the diskette

gzip -cd /tmp/initrd.img > /tmp/initrd.ext2        
# next uncompress it

mount -t ext2 /tmp/initrd.ext2 /mnt/floppy -o loop 
# mount the file as filesystem

gzip -cd /mnt/floppy/modules/modules.cgz > /tmp/modules.cpio 
# uncompress the module file it contains (it is in cpio format)

cd /tmp ; mkdir modules ; cd modules ; cat /tmp/modules.cpio | cpio -i
# extract the modules

cp ~/3c59x.o .
# Copy the new module for the 3Com card

ls | cpio -o | gzip -c9 > ../newmodules.cgz
# recreate the compressed cpio file

cp ../newmodules.cgz /mnt/floppy/modules/modules.cgz
# replace old modules.cgz by the new version

umount /mnt/floppy
# unmount the filesystem file

gzip -c9 /tmp/initrd.ext2 > /tmp/initrd.img
# compress the filesystem file

mcopy /tmp/initrd.img a:
# copy it back to the diskette

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