Timeouts and Resets with 5.X.X drivers - what to do? (newbie - sorry)

Chris Bondy temp at quad.quadrunner.com
Sat Aug 8 17:05:03 PDT 1998

On Sat, 8 Aug 1998, Jack Woychowski wrote:

> I've been experiencing the same problems in all linux versions since
> 2.0.32 (and as a result have spend most of the time running 2.0.29). I
> believe this makes it a problem with the 5.X.X aic7xxx driver vs the
> 4.1.1 (from straight linux 2.0.29), which doesn't seem to have the same
> problem.
> Along with others, I've been experiencing the 'aborting due to
> timeout', resetting bus, 'trying harder' problems. For example, from
> dmesg (this occurred during a kernel build): 
> scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid 11051, scsi0, channel 0, id 3, lun 
> 0 0x0a 16 55 3b 02 00 
> SCSI host 0 channel 0 reset (pid 11049) timed out - trying harder

  7:52pm  up 31 days, 22:46,  9 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.10, 0.09

two 2940UW's, 6 drives on both, mixed some just scsi-2 , some ultra, some
UW , some just wide.

Linux temp 2.0.33 #6 Sat Apr 18 16:26:06 EDT 1998 i686 unknown
(some patchs, but standard aic driver that come with it, patchs are only
exploit/crash patchs)

only way I could get current driver to work, and not time out every
second. Was to turn speed down. turn off disconnection, play with some of
the other settings. If I had the default settings like 40 or 20mb ,
disconnections etc..... I couldn't even boot.
All cables/terminals where professionally tested(by local cable
Installed freebsd, worked fine. Think it was said, before on the list,
alot of problems are in scsi.c code, These problems have also shown up on
other scsi controllers. 

Try lowering everything down, and turning off the defaults. just to see if
it works. I wouldn't be surprised if it started working better.

( I also have my drives as cheap raid drives(md utils) which actually
helps a bit, cause not one drive gets overloaded. Only bad part is,once in
while i still get time out under really heavy load, and end up losing

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