AHA-2930 with Linux?

Mike Bilow mikebw at bilow.bilow.uu.ids.net
Fri Dec 5 02:10:45 PST 1997

Doug Ledford wrote in a message to Mike Bilow:

>Strange, it's either terminated or not, one would assume that the driver
>simply doesn't handle the autoterm setting correctly any more, although
>I'm not sure that's true....

 DL> The old vesion of the driver didn't attempt to set the
 DL> termination on the card (it simply left it alone) where as
 DL> the new version of the driver checks the card registers for
 DL> the presence of cables and then sets the termination
 DL> accordingly.  Usually this is fine, but I suspect that
 DL> certain cable configurations are causing problems.

Philosophically, I think the driver should NOT modify termination on the card.
There are numerous cases where this is doomed to fail, as when there is already
a device present which also attempts auto-termination.  With the HP image
scanners, for example, this will cause all sorts of trouble.

I can see having the driver issue a warning, but not actually changing things.
-- Mike

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