Symposium Announcement (fwd)

Robert Watson rwatson at
Tue Aug 6 20:54:26 GMT 2002

FYI -- I'll be giving a one-day tutorial on authoring security extension
modules using the TrustedBSD MAC framework at the upcoming STOS conference
in Monterey in late August.  We'll cover both the design and
implementation of the MAC framework, and how to create kernel modules that
augment the existing kernel security policy.

Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Projects
robert at      Network Associates Laboratories

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 13:46:41 -0700
From: Thomas Vincent <thomasv at>
To: Robert Watson <rwatson at>
Subject: Symposium Announcement
Resent-Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 16:49:30 -0400 (EDT)
Resent-From: Robert Watson <rwatson at>
Resent-To: <rwatson at>
Resent-Subject: Symposium Announcement

Hash: SHA1

     The Secure Trusted Operating System Consortium ( STOS ) is pleased 
to announce the 1st annual Mac OS X & BSD Security Symposium. The 
symposium is designed for system and lab administrators, programmers, 
developers, strategists, and other technical staff involved in the 
deployment and securing of systems. Past STOS events have been the 
central networking events for the Mac OS X/Darwin security community.  
The Mac OS X & BSD Security Symposium follows the previous STOS events 
by providing an environment that promotes the sharing of ideas and 
techniques with a shared goal of maximizing the security of the involved 
systems.  The addition of Robert Watson's TrustedBSD tutorial and 
several new papers on various aspects of BSD based operating, brings 
even more value to this event.  There is no other event with the same 
depth of Mac OS X and BSD security subject matter as the Mac OS X and 
BSD Security Symposium.

Top 5 Reasons to attend:
	* Only place you can get an in-depth tutorial on using TrustedBSD 
with Robert Watson of Network Associates Laboratories and the FreeBSD 
Core Team
	* Only place you will find training on Apple's implementation of 
CDSA directly from Apple's data security team
	* Unparalleled networking opportunities between those interested in 
all aspects of Mac OS X/Darwin and BSD security.
	* Birds of a Feather events every night.
	* When else do you get to spend 5 days, during the best time of the 
year, in the legendary beauty of Monterey, California?

   At STOS we pride ourselves on the quaility of the events we put on.
The people who teach our tutorials are the source in most cases.  We 
just go out and find any expert, we find THE foremost experts in their
field's to teach our tutorials.

     A small list of our offerings:
	* Building Secure Software with John Viega, author of Building 
Secure Software by Addison-Wesley
	* Introduction to the architecture, design, and implementation of 
TrustedBSD from the Developers perspective with Robert Watson, founder, 
and head of the 	   TrustedBSD Project
	* Introduction to Smart Cards in Darwin and Mac OS X with the 
engineers responsible for smart card support in Darwin
	* Introduction to CDSA with with Apple Computer's Data Security 
Team, the authors of Apple's CDSA implimentation
	* Intro to PKI with Entrust from Entrust Implementation Engineers
	* Mac OS X Forensics with Derrick Donnelly, Apple IS&T Security Manager

Event information:
Direct to registration:

The majority of the proceeds from the conference go directly to funding 
STOS-sponsored Open Source projects.
Our current funding goals include:
	* Funding an internship, which will allow Eric Seidel to work on 
implementations of mod_ssl and openssh on top of CDSA.
	* Startup funding for porting of CDSA to FreeBSD by Dag-Erling 
Both of these projects are aimed at bringing the power of the CDSA 
infrastructure to Open Source software and systems.  By coming to the 
Mac OS X & BSD Security Symposium you are investing in yourself and 
investing in Open Source security projects.

Please come and join us for this exciting event, and make this exciting 
work possible.

Thomas Vincent
Event Coordinator

Event Information
- - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------

	What:  Mac OS X & BSD Security Symposium
	When:  Monday, August 26, 2002, through Friday August 30, 2002
	Where: Hyatt, Monterey, CA across the street from the Naval Post 
Graduate School -
	Why:   Because this one of a kind conference is limited to 150 
people, and is the only place you will find tracks on CDSA, Smart Cards, 
and TrustedBSD on Mac OS X 		   & BSD.

Tutorials are 2 days from Monday August 26, through Tuesday August 27.  
Research papers and proposals round out the week from Wednesday, August 
28 through Friday August 30.

Before August 10, 2002 the price:
Full Pass - $795.00
	- 2 days of tutorials
	- 3 days of research
	- 5 days of nightly BOF's
Research Pass - $299.00
	- 3 days of research
	- 5 days of BOF's

     After August 10, 2002 prices go up to $995.00 for a full pass, and 
$499.00 for a research pass. Registration is limited to 150 people, so 
register soon.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)


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