
Gordon Tetlow gordon at
Tue Feb 1 01:38:37 GMT 2005

On Sat, Jan 29, 2005 at 01:36:58PM +0100, Dag-Erling Sm?rgrav wrote:
> What happened to all my OpenPAM labels?  I can no longer diff against
> earlier versions, it seems like all the labels now refer to head:

It works for me:

gtetlow at spiff:~/p4$ p4 diff2 -q //depot/projects/openpam/... at openpam_calamite //depot/projects/openpam/...#head | head -5
==== <none> - //depot/projects/openpam/CHECKLIST#2 ====
==== <none> - //depot/projects/openpam/CREDITS#10 ====
==== //depot/projects/openpam/HISTORY#1 (text+ko) - //depot/projects/openpam/HISTORY#23 (text+ko) ==== content
==== //depot/projects/openpam/INSTALL#1 (text+ko) - //depot/projects/openpam/INSTALL#4 (text+ko) ==== content
==== //depot/projects/openpam/LICENSE#2 (ktext) - //depot/projects/openpam/LICENSE#6 (text+ko) ==== content

Let me know if you need more help.
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