svn commit: r186761 - in stable/7/release/doc: . share/mk share/sgml

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Mon Jan 5 05:56:22 UTC 2009

Author: hrs
Date: Mon Jan  5 05:56:19 2009
New Revision: 186761

  Clean up a DSSSL file for release documents:
  	Remove {,no.}include.historic,
  	Fix arch="" support, and
  	Update platform list in README.


Modified: stable/7/release/doc/README
--- stable/7/release/doc/README	Mon Jan  5 05:54:13 2009	(r186760)
+++ stable/7/release/doc/README	Mon Jan  5 05:56:19 2009	(r186761)
@@ -99,9 +99,10 @@ element will be included.  For example:
 	<para arch="sparc64">SPARC64-specific text</para>
-The currently-supported architectures are i386, sparc64, and
-ia64.  An element may appear for multiple architectures by specifying
-a comma-separated list of architectures (i.e. arch="sparc64,ia64").
+The currently-supported architectures are amd64, arm, i386, ia64,
+pc98, powerpc, and sparc64.  An element may appear for multiple
+architectures by specifying a comma-separated list of architectures
+(i.e. arch="sparc64,ia64").
 When creating a translation, make a new directory under this
 directory with a language code (paralleling the DocProj directory

Modified: stable/7/release/doc/share/mk/
--- stable/7/release/doc/share/mk/	Mon Jan  5 05:54:13 2009	(r186760)
+++ stable/7/release/doc/share/mk/	Mon Jan  5 05:56:19 2009	(r186761)
@@ -11,23 +11,6 @@ DSLHTML?=	${RELN_ROOT}/share/sgml/defaul
 DSLPRINT?=	${RELN_ROOT}/share/sgml/default.dsl
-# Tweakable Makefile variables
-# INCLUDE_HISTORIC	Used by relnotes document only.  When set,
-#			causes all release notes entries to be printed,
-#			even those marked as "historic".  If not set
-#			(the default), only print "non-historic"
-#			release note entries.  To designate a release
-#			note entry as "historic", add a role="historic"
-#			attribute to the applicable element(s).
-.if defined(INCLUDE_HISTORIC)
-JADEFLAGS+=	-iinclude.historic
-JADEFLAGS+=	-ino.include.historic
 # Automatic device list generation:
 .if exists(${RELN_ROOT}/../man4)

Modified: stable/7/release/doc/share/sgml/release.dsl
--- stable/7/release/doc/share/sgml/release.dsl	Mon Jan  5 05:54:13 2009	(r186760)
+++ stable/7/release/doc/share/sgml/release.dsl	Mon Jan  5 05:56:19 2009	(r186761)
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
 <!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [
 <!ENTITY % output.html		"IGNORE">
 <!ENTITY % output.print 	"IGNORE">
-<!ENTITY % include.historic	"IGNORE">
-<!ENTITY % no.include.historic	"IGNORE">
 <!ENTITY freebsd.dsl PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DOCUMENT DocBook Stylesheet//EN" CDATA DSSSL>
 <!ENTITY % release.ent PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES Release Specification//EN">
@@ -14,14 +12,6 @@
   <style-specification use="docbook">
-; Configure behavior of this stylesheet
-<![ %include.historic; [
-      (define %include-historic% #t)
-<![ %no.include.historic; [
-      (define %include-historic% #f)
 ; String manipulation functions
 (define (split-string-to-list STR)
   ;; return list of STR separated with char #\ or #\,
@@ -54,92 +44,6 @@
      ((equal? STR (car s)) #t)
      (else (loop (cdr s))))))
-; Deal with conditional inclusion of text via entities.
-  (let* ((arch (attribute-string (normalize "arch")))
-	 (role (attribute-string (normalize "role")))
-	 (for-arch (entity-text "arch")))
-    (cond
-     ; If role=historic, and we're not printing historic things, then
-     ; don't output this element.
-     ((and (equal? role "historic")
-	   (not %include-historic%))
-      (empty-sosofo))
-     ; If arch= not specified, then print unconditionally.  This clause
-     ; handles the majority of cases.
-     ((or (equal? arch #f) (equal? arch ""))
-      (next-match))
-     ; arch= specified, see if it's equal to "all".  If so, then
-     ; print unconditionally.  Note that this clause could be
-     ; combined with the check to see if arch= wasn't specified
-     ; or was empty; they have the same outcome.
-     ((equal? arch "all")
-      (next-match))
-     ; arch= specified.  If we're building for all architectures,
-     ; then print it prepended with the set of architectures to which
-     ; this element applies.
-     ;
-     ; XXX This doesn't work.
-;     ((equal? for-arch "all")
-;      (sosofo-append (literal "[") (literal arch) (literal "] ")
-;		     (process-children)))
-     ; arch= specified, so we need to check to see if the specified
-     ; parameter includes the architecture we're building for.
-     ((string-list-match? for-arch (split-string-to-list arch))
-      (next-match))
-     ; None of the above
-     (else (empty-sosofo)))))
-(mode qandatoc
-  (default
-  (let* ((arch (attribute-string (normalize "arch")))
-	 (role (attribute-string (normalize "role")))
-	 (for-arch (entity-text "arch")))
-    (cond
-     ; If role=historic, and we're not printing historic things, then
-     ; don't output this element.
-     ((and (equal? role "historic")
-	   (not %include-historic%))
-      (empty-sosofo))
-     ; If arch= not specified, then print unconditionally.  This clause
-     ; handles the majority of cases.
-     ((or (equal? arch #f) (equal? arch ""))
-      (next-match))
-     ; arch= specified, see if it's equal to "all".  If so, then
-     ; print unconditionally.  Note that this clause could be
-     ; combined with the check to see if arch= wasn't specified
-     ; or was empty; they have the same outcome.
-     ((equal? arch "all")
-      (next-match))
-     ; arch= specified.  If we're building for all architectures,
-     ; then print it prepended with the set of architectures to which
-     ; this element applies.
-     ;
-     ; XXX This doesn't work.
-;     ((equal? for-arch "all")
-;      (sosofo-append (literal "[") (literal arch) (literal "] ")
-;		     (process-children)))
-     ; arch= specified, so we need to check to see if the specified
-     ; parameter includes the architecture we're building for.
-     ((string-list-match? for-arch (split-string-to-list arch))
-      (next-match))
-     ; None of the above
-     (else (empty-sosofo))))))
 ; We might have some sect1 level elements where the modification times
 ; are significant.  An example of this is the "What's New" section in
 ; the release notes.  We enable the printing of pubdate entry in
@@ -150,6 +54,88 @@
 ; Put URLs in footnotes, and put footnotes at the bottom of each page.
       (define bop-footnotes #t)
       (define %footnote-ulinks% #t)
+      (define ($paragraph$)
+	(let  ((arch (attribute-string (normalize "arch")))
+	       (role (attribute-string (normalize "role")))
+	       (arch-string (entity-text "arch"))
+	       (merged-string (entity-text "merged")))
+	  (if (or (equal? (print-backend) 'tex)
+		  (equal? (print-backend) #f))
+	      ;; avoid using country: characteristic because of a JadeTeX bug...
+	      (make paragraph
+		first-line-start-indent: (if (is-first-para)
+					     %para-indent-firstpara%
+					     %para-indent%)
+		space-before: %para-sep%
+		space-after: (if (INLIST?)
+				 0pt
+				 %para-sep%)
+		quadding: %default-quadding%
+		hyphenate?: %hyphenation%
+		language: (dsssl-language-code)
+		(make sequence
+		  (cond
+		   ;; If arch= not specified, then print unconditionally.  This clause
+		   ;; handles the majority of cases.
+		   ((or (equal? arch #f)
+			(equal? arch "")
+			(equal? arch "all"))
+		    (process-children-trim))
+		   (else
+		    (make sequence
+		      (literal "[")
+		      (let loop ((prev (car (split-string-to-list arch)))
+				 (rest (cdr (split-string-to-list arch))))
+			(make sequence
+			  (literal prev)
+			  (if (not (null? rest))
+			      (make sequence
+				(literal ", ")
+				(loop (car rest) (cdr rest)))
+			      (empty-sosofo))))
+		      (literal "] ")
+		      (process-children-trim))))
+		  (if (and (not (null? role)) (equal? role "merged"))
+		      (literal " [" merged-string "]")
+		      (empty-sosofo))))
+	      (make paragraph
+		first-line-start-indent: (if (is-first-para)
+					     %para-indent-firstpara%
+					     %para-indent%)
+		space-before: %para-sep%
+		space-after: (if (INLIST?)
+				 0pt
+				 %para-sep%)
+		quadding: %default-quadding%
+		hyphenate?: %hyphenation%
+		language: (dsssl-language-code)
+		country: (dsssl-country-code)
+		(make sequence
+		  (cond
+		   ;; If arch= not specified, then print unconditionally.  This clause
+		   ;; handles the majority of cases.
+		   ((or (equal? arch #f)
+			(equal? arch "")
+			(equal? arch "all"))
+		    (process-children-trim))
+		   (else
+		    (make sequence
+		      (literal "[")
+		      (let loop ((prev (car (split-string-to-list arch)))
+				 (rest (cdr (split-string-to-list arch))))
+			(make sequence
+			  (literal prev)
+			  (if (not (null? rest))
+			      (make sequence
+				(literal ", ")
+				(loop (car rest) (cdr rest)))
+			      (empty-sosofo))))
+		      (literal "] ")
+		      (process-children-trim))))
+		  (if (and (not (null? role)) (equal? role "merged"))
+		      (literal " [" merged-string "]")
+		      (empty-sosofo)))))))
     <![ %output.html; [
@@ -172,11 +158,59 @@
                  (u (string-append "&;?query="
                          (data r) "&" "sektion=" (data m))))
             (case v
-              (("xfree86") (string-append u "&" "manpath=XFree86+&release.manpath.xfree86;" ))
               (("xorg")    (string-append u "&" "manpath=Xorg+&release.manpath.xorg;" ))
               (("netbsd")  (string-append u "&" "manpath=NetBSD+&release.manpath.netbsd;"))
               (("ports")   (string-append u "&" "manpath=FreeBSD+&release.manpath.freebsd-ports;"))
               (else        (string-append u "&" "manpath=FreeBSD+&release.manpath.freebsd;")))))
+      ;; $paragraph$ function with arch attribute support.
+      (define ($paragraph$ #!optional (para-wrapper "P"))
+	(let ((footnotes (select-elements (descendants (current-node))
+					  (normalize "footnote")))
+	      (tgroup (have-ancestor? (normalize "tgroup")))
+	      (arch (attribute-string (normalize "arch")))
+	      (role (attribute-string (normalize "role")))
+	      (arch-string (entity-text "arch"))
+	      (merged-string (entity-text "merged")))
+	  (make sequence
+	    (make element gi: para-wrapper
+		  attributes: (append
+			       (if %default-quadding%
+				   (list (list "ALIGN" %default-quadding%))
+				   '()))
+		  (make sequence
+		    (cond
+		     ;; If arch= not specified, then print unconditionally.  This clause
+		     ;; handles the majority of cases.
+		     ((or (equal? arch #f)
+			  (equal? arch "")
+			  (equal? arch "all"))
+		      (process-children))
+		     (else
+		      (sosofo-append
+		       (make sequence
+			 (literal "[")
+			 (let loop ((prev (car (split-string-to-list arch)))
+				    (rest (cdr (split-string-to-list arch))))
+			   (make sequence
+			     (literal prev)
+			     (if (not (null? rest))
+				 (make sequence
+				   (literal ", ")
+				   (loop (car rest) (cdr rest)))
+				 (empty-sosofo))))
+			 (literal "] ")
+			 (process-children)))))
+		    (if (and (not (null? role)) (equal? role "merged"))
+			(literal " [" merged-string "]")
+			(empty-sosofo))
+		    (if (or %footnotes-at-end% tgroup (node-list-empty? footnotes))
+			(empty-sosofo)
+			(make element gi: "BLOCKQUOTE"
+			      attributes: (list
+					   (list "CLASS" "FOOTNOTES"))
+			      (with-mode footnote-mode
+				(process-node-list footnotes)))))))))
       (define (toc-depth nd)

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