head -r335782 (?) broke ci.freebsd.org's FreeBSD-head-amd64-gcc build (lib32 part of build)

John Baldwin jhb at FreeBSD.org
Thu Jul 26 18:29:13 UTC 2018

On 7/16/18 11:27 PM, Mark Millard wrote:
> On 2018-Jul-1, at 6:34 AM, Mark Millard <marklmi at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> My brain finally engaged for showing exactly what files are included
>> for the gcc builds: the .meta files include that information explicitly
>> (along with other files that are opened during the operation).
>> amd64 is as I reported, just one header file from gcc: float.h .
>> powerpc64 builds Lex/Lexer.cpp without defining __ALTIVEC__ and so
>> is not including <altivec.h> . Building without __ALTIVEC__ might
>> be an error itself but would be a workaround for the altivec.h
>> file name aliasing vs. search-path problem.
>> . . .
> Going in a different direction, what of the unchanged Makefile.inc1
> code block:
> .if ${WANT_COMPILER_TYPE} == gcc || \
>     (defined(X_COMPILER_TYPE) && ${X_COMPILER_TYPE} == gcc)
> # GCC requires -isystem and -L when using a cross-compiler.  --sysroot
> # won't set header path and -L is used to ensure the base library path
> # is added before the port PREFIX library path.
> CD2CFLAGS+=     -isystem ${XDDESTDIR}/usr/include -L${XDDESTDIR}/usr/lib
> # GCC requires -B to find /usr/lib/crti.o when using a cross-compiler
> # combined with --sysroot.
> CD2CFLAGS+=     -B${XDDESTDIR}/usr/lib
> # Force using libc++ for external GCC.
> .if defined(X_COMPILER_TYPE) && \
>     ${X_COMPILER_TYPE} == gcc && ${X_COMPILER_VERSION} >= 40800
> CD2CXXFLAGS+=   -isystem ${XDDESTDIR}/usr/include/c++/v1 -std=c++11 \
>                 -nostdinc++
> .endif
> .endif
> Why is that pair of -isystem uses that gives the old search order
> okay? Or was the block just missed? (Similarly for other options
> listed above.)

Just missed.  They should probably also be removed.

> Note: Locally I've reverted the -r335782 changes in order for my use
> of devel/*-gcc as cross compilers to work where they used to (hopefully:
> still building), restoring the historical search order for the
> directories for now.

I finally got the approval 2 days ago to remove float.h from amd64-gcc so
you shouldn't need this reverted anymore once the OFED thing is
straightened out.

John Baldwin

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