svn commit: r288291 - head/etc

Cy Schubert Cy.Schubert at
Sun Jun 19 05:12:45 UTC 2016

In message <CAJ-VmonLqPNaN_CMO+dwyiTw4ULSnridcREF6NGkLU5QohoMew at
, Adrian Chadd writes:
> i think that's fine for -11. I'd like to just move limits to /bin for
> 12. (I mean, it's 2016, why are you splitting / and /usr again? But..)
> I don't want to see differing system behaviour between limits but it's
> likely unavoidable for 11 and could do with some errata notice so
> people know what to expect.

There aren't any daemons started prior to critical local filesystems being 
mounted. I suppose one day there could be but none at this point in time. 
Setting limits before filesystems are mounted is practically a NOP anyway. 
(Except it could negatively affect fsck of huge UFS filesystems some day.)

Cy Schubert <Cy.Schubert at>
FreeBSD UNIX:  <cy at>   Web:

	The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

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