svn commit: r211695 - head/sys/kern

pluknet pluknet at
Mon Aug 23 06:32:01 UTC 2010

On 23 August 2010 10:22, Warner Losh <imp at> wrote:
> Author: imp
> Date: Mon Aug 23 06:22:35 2010
> New Revision: 211695
> URL:
> Log:
>  This should really be MACHINE not MACHINE_ARCH, and is this Makefile even used?


I wrote this letter almost 2.5y ago with no response.
Hope this helps.

I looked at sys/kern/ Makefile AFAICS they were partially
abandoned years ago and has broken tags support and even contain 4.4BSD-Lite
paths, that never ever being in FreeBSD CVS or was dropped years ago. So make
links exits with error. It looks very odd:

pl$ make links
rm -f /var/db/sys_tags
ln -s /sys/i386/tags /var/db/sys_tags
for i in conf  dev dev/scsi  fs fs/deadfs fs/fdescfs fs/fifofs
fs/lofs fs/nullfs fs/portalfs fs/procfs  fs/specfs fs/unionfs  hp
hp/dev hp/hpux  kern libkern  net netinet nfs scripts sys  ufs ufs/ffs
ufs/lfs ufs/ufs  vm; do  (cd ../$i && { rm -f tags; ln -s
/var/db/sys_tags tags; }) done
cd: can't cd to ../dev/scsi
cd: can't cd to ../fs/lofs
cd: can't cd to ../fs/specfs
cd: can't cd to ../hp
cd: can't cd to ../hp/dev
cd: can't cd to ../hp/hpux
cd: can't cd to ../scripts
cd: can't cd to ../ufs/lfs
for i in i386; do  (cd ../$i && make  SYSTAGS=/var/db/sys_tags links); done
for i in /sys/conf  /sys/kern  /sys/net  /sys/netatalk  /sys/netatm
/sys/netinet  /sys/netinet6  /sys/netipsec  /sys/netipx  /sys/netnatm
/sys/nfs  /sys/pci  /sys/vm  /sys/sys; do  (cd $i && { rm -f tags; ln
-s ../i386/tags tags; }) done
for i in /sys/dev/advansys  /sys/dev/aha  /sys/dev/aic7xxx
/sys/dev/buslogic  /sys/dev/ccd  /sys/dev/dec  /sys/dev/dpt
/sys/dev/en  /sys/dev/hea  /sys/dev/hfa  /sys/dev/iicbus  /sys/dev/isp
 /sys/dev/pdq  /sys/dev/ppbus  /sys/dev/smbus  /sys/dev/vn
/sys/dev/vx  /sys/fs/deadfs  /sys/fs/devfs  /sys/fs/fdescfs
/sys/fs/fifofs  /sys/fs/msdosfs  /sys/fs/nullfs  /sys/fs/portalfs
/sys/fs/procfs  /sys
/fs/specfs  /sys/fs/unionfs  /sys/fs/cd9660  /sys/ufs/ffs
/sys/ufs/ufs; do  (cd $i && { rm -f tags; ln -s ../../i386/tags tags;
}) done
cd: can't cd to /sys/dev/ccd
cd: can't cd to /sys/dev/dec
cd: can't cd to /sys/dev/hea
cd: can't cd to /sys/dev/vn
cd: can't cd to /sys/fs/specfs
for i in apm i386 ibcs2 include isa linux; do  (cd $i && { rm -f tags;
ln -s ../tags tags; }) done
cd: can't cd to apm

I moved that two files from src and could complete build kernel
without errors, so it
seems they are not referenced by any kernel building tools.

Yes, there is tags target in src/Makefile, I didn't looked too much
how it interacts with Makefile, but by their erroneous
paths I doubt there is any interaction.

I found this in NetBSD's kern/Makefile:
+# XXX
+# [Note by Perry Metzger, Sept. 1998]
+# As it stands, the tags support below is hopelessly
+# broken. Just look at the names of the architectures it is dealing
+# with and where it expects to find the support for them to see why.
+# I've left the stuff in this Makefile alone in the hope that someone
+# will fix it someday -- I am assuming that it might help that
+# person if they have the old Makefile goo left in place as a starting
+# point.
+# XXX

ps. BTW I tried to make tags from src/ (with clean obj, if that
matters) and the target
began to build my gcc (cc/cc_tools) after going through various world paths.
Is that intended?


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