svn commit: r328257 - in head/sys: arm/broadcom/bcm2835 dts/arm modules

Poul-Henning Kamp phk at
Sun Jan 28 22:52:00 UTC 2018

In message <8d8ae9d10058fd72ce3ec467181c9f22 at>, Emmanuel Vadot writes:

>  Sometimes it makes sense to reboot.

Yes, *sometimes* it does.

But *always* demanding reboot makes no sense ever.

>  Reference platform doesn't make much sense in the embedded world.

A reference platform which peple can look at to find out what the
software architecture is supposed to be, in the near total absense of
documentation for said software architecture makes a lot of sense.

>  I'm not upset at you for not using, I'm "upset" at you for not wanting 
>to make the effort to implement them. Some are hard, some are easy.

FreeBSD is a hobby for me these days, that implied a certain amount
of enjoyment and limited time.

Trying to guess what software architecture you want to be written,
based on the non-existent documentation and with no reference-platform
to look at, and then implementing it on a SOC where the hardware
documentation spans the gamut from from missing over mangled to
misleading, does not qualify as "enjoyment" for me and it certainly
is not something I have time for.

>  What's funny though is that even with a pinctrl and clock management, 
>we still don't have what is necessary to implement what you want 
>(kldloading a driver and directly use pwm). For that we need overlays at 
>runtime, pinmuxing at runtime and probably other things too.

I'm amazed if those things are not already part of our ambition ?

>  This is where I (and probably) other don't agree, this is backward.
>  We must implement first proper pinctrl driver and clock management 
>  instead of introduce hacks.

Who exactly are "We" ?

You indicated that you are not going to do it.

I can't because I don't know what it is that I am supposed to write.

Nobody else seems to be inclined to do it either.

So RPi as a platform is just in limbo forever ?

And where does this "Spanish Inquisition" road end?

Why are gpio and spi allowed to exist on the RPi platform?  Or is
your next demand going to be that they also be removed pending a
hypothetical pinctrl driver ?

>  I think we are both adults (not sure for me or if I want to be one but 
>let's pretend that I am), so let me ask you one more time to backout 
>your commit and let's work together to extend arm support toward what 
>you want to do.

Empathetically NO!

(But feel free to ask me again, if my driver ever in any way prevents
you from committing your changes to the RPi platform.)


Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
phk at FreeBSD.ORG         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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