socsvn commit: r270228 - soc2014/pedrosouza/lua_loader/head/sys/boot/lua

pedrosouza at pedrosouza at
Mon Jun 30 17:01:16 UTC 2014

Author: pedrosouza
Date: Mon Jun 30 17:01:14 2014
New Revision: 270228

  Added drawer.lua


Added: soc2014/pedrosouza/lua_loader/head/sys/boot/lua/drawer.lua
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ soc2014/pedrosouza/lua_loader/head/sys/boot/lua/drawer.lua	Mon Jun 30 17:01:14 2014	(r270228)
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+drawer = {};
+drawer.brand_position = {x = 2, y = 1};
+drawer.fbsd_logo = {
+    "  ______               ____   _____ _____  ",
+    " |  ____|             |  _ \\ / ____|  __ \\ ",
+    " | |___ _ __ ___  ___ | |_) | (___ | |  | |",
+    " |  ___| '__/ _ \\/ _ \\|  _ < \\___ \\| |  | |",
+    " | |   | | |  __/  __/| |_) |____) | |__| |",
+    " | |   | | |    |    ||     |      |      |",
+    " |_|   |_|  \\___|\\___||____/|_____/|_____/ "
+drawer.logo_position = {x = 46, y = 4};
+drawer.beastie_color = {
+    "               \027[31m,        ,",
+    "              /(        )`",
+    "              \\ \\___   / |",
+    "              /- \027[37m_\027[31m  `-/  '",
+    "             (\027[37m/\\/ \\\027[31m \\   /\\",
+    "             \027[37m/ /   |\027[31m `    \\",
+    "             \027[34mO O   \027[37m) \027[31m/    |",
+    "             \027[37m`-^--'\027[31m`<     '",
+    "            (_.)  _  )   /",
+    "             `.___/`    /",
+    "               `-----' /",
+    "  \027[33m<----.\027[31m     __ / __   \\",
+    "  \027[33m<----|====\027[31mO)))\027[33m==\027[31m) \\) /\027[33m====|",
+    "  \027[33m<----'\027[31m    `--' `.__,' \\",
+    "               |        |",
+    "                \\       /       /\\",
+    "           \027[36m______\027[31m( (_  / \\______/",
+    "         \027[36m,'  ,-----'   |",
+    "         `--{__________)\027[37m"
+drawer.beastie = {
+    "               ,        ,",
+    "              /(        )`",
+    "              \\ \\___   / |",
+    "              /- _  `-/  '",
+    "             (/\\/ \\ \\   /\\",
+    "             / /   | `    \\",
+    "             O O   ) /    |",
+    "             `-^--'`<     '",
+    "            (_.)  _  )   /",
+    "             `.___/`    /",
+    "               `-----' /",
+    "  <----.     __ / __   \\",
+    "  <----|====O)))==) \\) /====|",
+    "  <----'    `--' `.__,' \\",
+    "               |        |",
+    "                \\       /       /\\",
+    "           ______( (_  / \\______/",
+    "         ,'  ,-----'   |",
+    "         `--{__________)"
+drawer.fbsd_logo_shift = {x = 5, y = 6};
+drawer.fbsd_logo_v = {
+    "  ______",
+    " |  ____| __ ___  ___ ",
+    " | |__ | '__/ _ \\/ _ \\",
+    " |  __|| | |  __/  __/",
+    " | |   | | |    |    |",
+    " |_|   |_|  \\___|\\___|",
+    "  ____   _____ _____",
+    " |  _ \\ / ____|  __ \\",
+    " | |_) | (___ | |  | |",
+    " |  _ < \\___ \\| |  | |",
+    " | |_) |____) | |__| |",
+    " |     |      |      |",
+    " |____/|_____/|_____/"
+drawer.orb_shift = {x = 3, y = 0};
+drawer.orb_color = {
+    "  \027[31m```                        \027[31;1m`\027[31m",
+    " s` `.....---...\027[31;1m....--.```   -/\027[31m",
+    " +o   .--`         \027[31;1m/y:`      +.\027[31m",
+    "  yo`:.            \027[31;1m:o      `+-\027[31m",
+    "   y/               \027[31;1m-/`   -o/\027[31m",
+    "  .-                  \027[31;1m::/sy+:.\027[31m",
+    "  /                     \027[31;1m`--  /\027[31m",
+    " `:                          \027[31;1m:`\027[31m",
+    " `:                          \027[31;1m:`\027[31m",
+    "  /                          \027[31;1m/\027[31m",
+    "  .-                        \027[31;1m-.\027[31m",
+    "   --                      \027[31;1m-.\027[31m",
+    "    `:`                  \027[31;1m`:`",
+    "      \027[31;1m.--             `--.",
+    "         .---.....----.\027[37m"
+drawer.orb = {
+    "  ```                        `",
+    " s` `.....---.......--.```   -/",
+    " +o   .--`         /y:`      +.",
+    "  yo`:.            :o      `+-",
+    "   y/               -/`   -o/",
+    "  .-                  ::/sy+:.",
+    "  /                     `--  /",
+    " `:                          :`",
+    " `:                          :`",
+    "  /                          /",
+    "  .-                        -.",
+    "   --                      -.",
+    "    `:`                  `:`",
+    "      .--             `--.",
+    "         .---.....----."
+function drawer.isColorEnabled()
+    return true;
+function drawer.draw(x, y, logo)
+    for i = 1, #logo do
+        screen.setcursor(x, y + i);
+        print(logo[i]);
+    end
+function drawer.drawbrand()
+    local x = tonumber(loader.getenv("loader_brand_x"));
+    local y = tonumber(loader.getenv("loader_brand_y"));
+    if (x == nil) then x = drawer.brand_position.x; end
+    if (y == nil) then y = drawer.brand_position.y; end
+    local logo = load("return " .. tostring(loader.getenv("loader_brand")))();
+    if (logo == nil) then logo = drawer.fbsd_logo; end
+    drawer.draw(x, y, logo);
+function drawer.drawlogo()
+    local x = tonumber(loader.getenv("loader_logo_x"));
+    local y = tonumber(loader.getenv("loader_logo_y"));
+    if (x == nil) then x = drawer.logo_position.x; end
+    if (y == nil) then y = drawer.logo_position.y; end
+    local logo = loader.getenv("loader_logo");
+    if (logo == "beastie") then logo = drawer.beastie_color; 
+    elseif (logo == "beastiebw") then logo = drawer.beastie;
+    elseif (logo == "fbsdbw") then logo = drawer.fbsd_logo_v;
+    elseif (logo == "orb") then logo = drawer.orb_color;
+    elseif (logo == "orbbw") then logo = drawer.orb;
+    elseif (logo == "tribute") then logo = drawer.fbsd_logo;
+    elseif (logo == "tributebw") then logo = drawer.fbsd_logo;
+    elseif (logo == nil) then
+        if (drawer.isColorEnabled() == true) then logo = drawer.orb_color;
+        else logo = drawer.orb; end
+    end
+    drawer.draw(x, y, logo);
\ No newline at end of file

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