svn commit: r505245 - in head/databases: postgresql10-client postgresql10-contrib postgresql10-pgtcl postgresql10-server postgresql11-client postgresql11-server postgresql94-server postgresql95-cli...

Matthias Fechner idefix at
Tue Jul 2 20:04:52 UTC 2019

Am 30.06.2019 um 11:13 schrieb Alexey Dokuchaev:
> I tried to see what had changed but could only find version bump from 9.2
> to 9.6 in commits like these:
> I'd try to lower those number to 9.5, I'd expect with high probability
> things would work just as fine.

if I remember correctly it will break with postgresql < 9.6 if you use a
more complex structure for groups.
But there exists a issue on the gitlab page (I'm not sure if I reported
it or if I just find it while preparing the new update) that clearly
states that even a version before 11 requires at least postgresql 9.6.

You can check the manual on:

to see at which version I changed the version requirements.



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