svn commit: r439043 - in head/chinese/bg5pdf: . files

Dmitry Marakasov amdmi3 at
Fri Apr 21 10:30:47 UTC 2017

Author: amdmi3
Date: Fri Apr 21 10:30:46 2017
New Revision: 439043

  - Fix shebangs
  - Switch to options helpers
  - Simplify by converting a patch which creates file to a plain file

     - copied, changed from r439042, head/chinese/bg5pdf/files/patch-gbpdf

Modified: head/chinese/bg5pdf/Makefile
--- head/chinese/bg5pdf/Makefile	Fri Apr 21 10:29:55 2017	(r439042)
+++ head/chinese/bg5pdf/Makefile	Fri Apr 21 10:30:46 2017	(r439043)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	bg5pdf
 CATEGORIES=	chinese print
@@ -15,26 +15,30 @@ LICENSE=	GPLv2
-USES=		python:2
+USES=		python:2 shebangfix
+SHEBANG_FILES=	bg5pdf gbpdf
+python_OLD_CMD=	"/usr/bin/env /usr/bin/python"
-	${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,/usr/bin/python,python,g'  ${WRKSRC}/bg5pdf
+	@${CP} ${FILESDIR}/gbpdf ${WRKSRC}
 	${CC} ${CFLAGS} -shared ${WRKSRC}/bg5pdflib.c -I${PREFIX}/include \
 		-I${PYTHON_INCLUDEDIR} -L${PREFIX}/lib -lpdf -o ${WRKSRC}/

Copied and modified: head/chinese/bg5pdf/files/gbpdf (from r439042, head/chinese/bg5pdf/files/patch-gbpdf)
--- head/chinese/bg5pdf/files/patch-gbpdf	Fri Apr 21 10:29:55 2017	(r439042, copy source)
+++ head/chinese/bg5pdf/files/gbpdf	Fri Apr 21 10:30:46 2017	(r439043)
@@ -1,302 +1,299 @@
---- gbpdf.orig	Fri Jul  5 01:38:22 2002
-+++ gbpdf	Fri Jul  5 01:39:10 2002
-@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
-+#!/usr/bin/env python
-+Bg5pdf is a simple wrapper for wrapping big5 encoding text file into
-+PDF file by using PDFlib. The output of this program does not contain
-+embedding fonts.  You have to download Acrobat Acroread Asianfont pack
-+to view and print the output file.  This wrapper does not provide any
-+formatting function except simple line wrapping.  If you need
-+sophisticated formatting, you should try CJK-LaTex or other equivalent
-+Information about PDFlib can be found at
-+You might need it if you need to compile bg5pdflib module which 
-+is used by gbpdf.
-+You can download Acrobat Acroread Asianfont Pack at
-+Copyright (C) 2001 by Chen-Shan Chin
-+gbpdf ver. 1.0 Date:Jun 3 2001
-+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any
-+ later version.  This program is distributed in the hope that it will
-+ be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even implied warranty of
-+ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-+ details.
-+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Sofeware
-+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
-+import getopt
-+from string import *
-+from sys import *
-+from bg5pdflib import *
-+#If you want to use python binding ( coming with PDFlib,
-+#remark the above line and unmark the next line.
-+#from pdflib_py import *
-+False = 0
-+True = 1
-+ASCII = 0
-+GB2312 = 1
-+def renderer(doc, fn):
-+    p = PDF_new()
-+    if PDF_open_file(p, fn) == -1:
-+        print "Couldn't open PDF file '%s'\n" % fn
-+        exit(2)
-+    PDF_set_info(p, "Author", "gbpdf")
-+    PDF_set_info(p, "Creator", "gbpdf")
-+    PDF_set_info(p, "Title", "%s" % fn)
-+    cfname = doc.fontName
-+    cEncoding = doc.encoding
-+    fontSize = doc.fontSize
-+    topM = 792.0 / 11.0
-+    leftM = 792.0 / 11.0
-+    PDF_begin_page(p, 612, 792)
-+    font = PDF_findfont(p, cfname, cEncoding, 0)
-+    PDF_setfont(p, font, fontSize)
-+    mode = GB2312
-+    y = 0
-+    pageN = 1
-+    for l in doc.parsedLines:
-+        if len(l) == 0:
-+            y = y + fontSize
-+            continue
-+        x = 0.0
-+        PDF_set_text_pos(p, leftM + x, 792 - topM -y)
-+        curStr = ""
-+        for pos in range(len(l)):
-+            ch = l[pos]
-+            if ch[0] != mode:
-+                if len(curStr) != 0:
-+                    if mode == GB2312:
-+                        font = PDF_findfont(p, cfname, cEncoding, 0)
-+                        PDF_setfont(p, font, fontSize)
-+                        PDF_show(p, curStr)
-+                    else:
-+                        font = PDF_findfont(p, "Courier", "host", 0)
-+                        PDF_setfont(p, font, fontSize)
-+                        PDF_show(p, curStr)
-+                mode = ch[0]
-+                curStr = ch[1]
-+            else:
-+                curStr = curStr + ch[1]
-+        if len(curStr) != 0:
-+            if mode == 1:
-+                font = PDF_findfont(p, cfname, cEncoding, 0)
-+                PDF_setfont(p, font, fontSize)
-+                PDF_show(p, curStr)
-+            else:
-+                font = PDF_findfont(p, "Courier", "host", 0)
-+                PDF_setfont(p, font, fontSize)
-+                PDF_show(p, curStr)
-+        y = y + fontSize + doc.lineSpacing
-+        if y > 792 - 2* topM:
-+            font = PDF_findfont(p, "Helvetica-Oblique", "host", 0)
-+            PDF_setfont(p, font, 12)
-+            PDF_show_xy(p,"Converted to PDF by gbpdf", 400, 750)
-+            PDF_show_xy(p,"file name: %s--Page %d" % (doc.infileName, pageN), 60,750)
-+            PDF_setlinewidth(p,2)
-+            PDF_moveto(p, 50, 740)
-+            PDF_lineto(p, 562, 740)
-+            PDF_stroke(p)
-+            PDF_end_page(p)
-+            pageN = pageN + 1
-+            PDF_begin_page(p, 612, 792)
-+            font = PDF_findfont(p, cfname, cEncoding, 0)
-+            PDF_setfont(p, font, fontSize)
-+            mode = GB2312
-+            y = 0
-+    font = PDF_findfont(p, "Helvetica-Oblique", "host", 0)
-+    PDF_setfont(p, font, 12)
-+    PDF_show_xy(p,"Converted to PDF by gbpdf", 400, 750);
-+    PDF_show_xy(p,"file name: %s--Page %d" % (doc.infileName, pageN), 60,750)
-+    PDF_setlinewidth(p,2)
-+    PDF_moveto(p, 50, 740)
-+    PDF_lineto(p, 562, 740)
-+    PDF_stroke(p)
-+    PDF_end_page(p)
-+    PDF_close(p)
-+    PDF_delete(p)    
-+class document:
-+    infileName = ""
-+    fontSize = 12;
-+    fontNames = ["STSong-Light"]
-+    fontName = fontNames[0]
-+    encodings = ["GBK-EUC-H"]
-+    encoding = encodings[0]
-+    wrapped = False
-+    numOfChr = 55 #number of character per line for wrapping text
-+    parsedLines=[]
-+    lineSpacing = 2
-+    def getChr(self, st, i):
-+        if i + 1 < len(st) and\
-+           (ord(st[i]) >= 161 and ord(st[i]) <= 249) and \
-+           ((ord(st[i+1]) >=64 and ord(st[i+1]) <=126) or \
-+            (ord(st[i+1]) >=161 and ord(st[i+1]) <=254)) : # bg5_c
-+            cnchr = st[i:i+2]
-+            return (cnchr, 2)
-+        else:
-+            cnchr = st[i]
-+            return (cnchr, 1)
-+    def setFontSize(self, fs):
-+        self.fontSize = fs
-+    def setFont(self, fn):
-+        if not fn in self.fontNames:
-+            raise FontError
-+        else:
-+            self.fontName = fn
-+    def setWrapped(self, yn, nc):
-+        if yn > 0:
-+            self.wrapped = True
-+            self.numOfChr = nc
-+    def setLineSpacing(self, ls):
-+        self.lineSpacing = ls
-+    def setFontSize(self, fs):
-+        self.fontSize = fs
-+    def parseFile(self, filename):
-+        self.infileName = filename
-+        try:
-+            f = open(filename,"r");
-+        except IOError:
-+            print 'can not open file: "%s"' % filename
-+            exit(2)
-+        for line in f.readlines():
-+            line = rstrip(line)
-+            #if line[-1] == '\n':
-+            #    line = line[:-1]
-+            if len(line) == 0:
-+                self.parsedLines.append([])
-+                continue
-+            pline = []
-+            pos = 0
-+            cpos = 0
-+            line_len = len(line)
-+            while 1:
-+                (chrx, inc) = self.getChr(line, pos)
-+                pos = pos + inc
-+                cpos = cpos + inc
-+                if inc == 2:
-+                    pline.append([GB2312, chrx])
-+                else:
-+                    pline.append([ASCII, chrx])
-+                if pos >= line_len:
-+                    break
-+                if (self.wrapped == True) and ((cpos + 2) >= self.numOfChr):
-+                    cpos = 0
-+                    self.parsedLines.append(pline)
-+                    pline = []
-+            self.parsedLines.append(pline)
-+def usage():
-+    print "usage: gbpdf [option] inputfile outfile"
-+    print "d: integer, s:string"
-+    print "-w d, --wrap=d: wrapping line up to d ASCII characters (Each GB2312 character"
-+    print "      occupis two ASCII character spaces.)"
-+    print "-s d, --size=d: set the size of font (default: 11)"
-+    print "-f s, --font=s: set font (default: 'Msung-Light')"
-+    print "-l d, --linespacing=d: set spacing between line (default:2)"
-+    print "--inputfile=s: input file name"
-+    print "--outputfile=s: outfile name (default: inputfile.pdf)"
-+    print "--showfonts: show avaiable fonts"
-+getopt.GetoptError = getopt.error
-+def main():
-+    try:
-+        opts, args =\
-+              getopt.getopt(argv[1:],
-+                            "w:s:f:l:",
-+                            ["size=",
-+                             "font=",
-+                             "linespacing=",
-+                             "inputfile=",
-+                             "outputfile=",
-+                             "wrap=",
-+                             "showfonts"])
-+    except getopt.error:
-+        usage()
-+        exit(2)
-+    #print opts, args
-+    doc = document()
-+    doc.setFont(doc.fontNames[0])
-+    doc.setWrapped(False, 0)
-+    doc.setLineSpacing(2)
-+    doc.setFontSize(11)
-+    infile = ""
-+    outfile = ""
-+    for opt in opts:
-+        if opt[0] == "--size" or opt[0] == "-s":
-+            doc.setFontSize(atof(opt[1]))
-+            continue
-+        if opt[0] == "--font" or opt[0] == "-f":
-+            doc.setFont(opt[1])
-+            continue
-+        if opt[0] == "--wrap" or opt[0] == "-w":
-+            doc.setWrapped(True, atoi(opt[1]))
-+            continue
-+        if opt[0] == "--linespacing" or opt[0] == "-l":
-+            doc.setLineSpacing(atof(opt[1]))
-+        if opt[0] == "--inputfile":
-+            infile = opt[1]
-+            continue
-+        if opt[0] == "--outfile":
-+            outfile = opt[1]
-+            continue
-+        if opt[0] == "--showfonts":
-+            print "Avaiable Fonts:"
-+            for f in doc.fontNames:
-+                print f
-+            exit(2)
-+    if len(args) == 2:
-+        infile = args[0]
-+        outfile = args[1]
-+    elif len(args) == 1:
-+        infile = args[0]
-+    if infile == "":
-+        print "no input file name"
-+        exit(2)
-+    if outfile == "":
-+        outfile = infile+".pdf"
-+    doc.parseFile(infile)
-+    renderer(doc,outfile)
-+    print "Output File is %s" % outfile 
-+if __name__ == "__main__":                
-+    main()
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Bg5pdf is a simple wrapper for wrapping big5 encoding text file into
+PDF file by using PDFlib. The output of this program does not contain
+embedding fonts.  You have to download Acrobat Acroread Asianfont pack
+to view and print the output file.  This wrapper does not provide any
+formatting function except simple line wrapping.  If you need
+sophisticated formatting, you should try CJK-LaTex or other equivalent
+Information about PDFlib can be found at
+You might need it if you need to compile bg5pdflib module which 
+is used by gbpdf.
+You can download Acrobat Acroread Asianfont Pack at
+Copyright (C) 2001 by Chen-Shan Chin
+gbpdf ver. 1.0 Date:Jun 3 2001
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any
+ later version.  This program is distributed in the hope that it will
+ be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even implied warranty of
+ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Sofeware
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
+import getopt
+from string import *
+from sys import *
+from bg5pdflib import *
+#If you want to use python binding ( coming with PDFlib,
+#remark the above line and unmark the next line.
+#from pdflib_py import *
+False = 0
+True = 1
+ASCII = 0
+GB2312 = 1
+def renderer(doc, fn):
+    p = PDF_new()
+    if PDF_open_file(p, fn) == -1:
+        print "Couldn't open PDF file '%s'\n" % fn
+        exit(2)
+    PDF_set_info(p, "Author", "gbpdf")
+    PDF_set_info(p, "Creator", "gbpdf")
+    PDF_set_info(p, "Title", "%s" % fn)
+    cfname = doc.fontName
+    cEncoding = doc.encoding
+    fontSize = doc.fontSize
+    topM = 792.0 / 11.0
+    leftM = 792.0 / 11.0
+    PDF_begin_page(p, 612, 792)
+    font = PDF_findfont(p, cfname, cEncoding, 0)
+    PDF_setfont(p, font, fontSize)
+    mode = GB2312
+    y = 0
+    pageN = 1
+    for l in doc.parsedLines:
+        if len(l) == 0:
+            y = y + fontSize
+            continue
+        x = 0.0
+        PDF_set_text_pos(p, leftM + x, 792 - topM -y)
+        curStr = ""
+        for pos in range(len(l)):
+            ch = l[pos]
+            if ch[0] != mode:
+                if len(curStr) != 0:
+                    if mode == GB2312:
+                        font = PDF_findfont(p, cfname, cEncoding, 0)
+                        PDF_setfont(p, font, fontSize)
+                        PDF_show(p, curStr)
+                    else:
+                        font = PDF_findfont(p, "Courier", "host", 0)
+                        PDF_setfont(p, font, fontSize)
+                        PDF_show(p, curStr)
+                mode = ch[0]
+                curStr = ch[1]
+            else:
+                curStr = curStr + ch[1]
+        if len(curStr) != 0:
+            if mode == 1:
+                font = PDF_findfont(p, cfname, cEncoding, 0)
+                PDF_setfont(p, font, fontSize)
+                PDF_show(p, curStr)
+            else:
+                font = PDF_findfont(p, "Courier", "host", 0)
+                PDF_setfont(p, font, fontSize)
+                PDF_show(p, curStr)
+        y = y + fontSize + doc.lineSpacing
+        if y > 792 - 2* topM:
+            font = PDF_findfont(p, "Helvetica-Oblique", "host", 0)
+            PDF_setfont(p, font, 12)
+            PDF_show_xy(p,"Converted to PDF by gbpdf", 400, 750)
+            PDF_show_xy(p,"file name: %s--Page %d" % (doc.infileName, pageN), 60,750)
+            PDF_setlinewidth(p,2)
+            PDF_moveto(p, 50, 740)
+            PDF_lineto(p, 562, 740)
+            PDF_stroke(p)
+            PDF_end_page(p)
+            pageN = pageN + 1
+            PDF_begin_page(p, 612, 792)
+            font = PDF_findfont(p, cfname, cEncoding, 0)
+            PDF_setfont(p, font, fontSize)
+            mode = GB2312
+            y = 0
+    font = PDF_findfont(p, "Helvetica-Oblique", "host", 0)
+    PDF_setfont(p, font, 12)
+    PDF_show_xy(p,"Converted to PDF by gbpdf", 400, 750);
+    PDF_show_xy(p,"file name: %s--Page %d" % (doc.infileName, pageN), 60,750)
+    PDF_setlinewidth(p,2)
+    PDF_moveto(p, 50, 740)
+    PDF_lineto(p, 562, 740)
+    PDF_stroke(p)
+    PDF_end_page(p)
+    PDF_close(p)
+    PDF_delete(p)    
+class document:
+    infileName = ""
+    fontSize = 12;
+    fontNames = ["STSong-Light"]
+    fontName = fontNames[0]
+    encodings = ["GBK-EUC-H"]
+    encoding = encodings[0]
+    wrapped = False
+    numOfChr = 55 #number of character per line for wrapping text
+    parsedLines=[]
+    lineSpacing = 2
+    def getChr(self, st, i):
+        if i + 1 < len(st) and\
+           (ord(st[i]) >= 161 and ord(st[i]) <= 249) and \
+           ((ord(st[i+1]) >=64 and ord(st[i+1]) <=126) or \
+            (ord(st[i+1]) >=161 and ord(st[i+1]) <=254)) : # bg5_c
+            cnchr = st[i:i+2]
+            return (cnchr, 2)
+        else:
+            cnchr = st[i]
+            return (cnchr, 1)
+    def setFontSize(self, fs):
+        self.fontSize = fs
+    def setFont(self, fn):
+        if not fn in self.fontNames:
+            raise FontError
+        else:
+            self.fontName = fn
+    def setWrapped(self, yn, nc):
+        if yn > 0:
+            self.wrapped = True
+            self.numOfChr = nc
+    def setLineSpacing(self, ls):
+        self.lineSpacing = ls
+    def setFontSize(self, fs):
+        self.fontSize = fs
+    def parseFile(self, filename):
+        self.infileName = filename
+        try:
+            f = open(filename,"r");
+        except IOError:
+            print 'can not open file: "%s"' % filename
+            exit(2)
+        for line in f.readlines():
+            line = rstrip(line)
+            #if line[-1] == '\n':
+            #    line = line[:-1]
+            if len(line) == 0:
+                self.parsedLines.append([])
+                continue
+            pline = []
+            pos = 0
+            cpos = 0
+            line_len = len(line)
+            while 1:
+                (chrx, inc) = self.getChr(line, pos)
+                pos = pos + inc
+                cpos = cpos + inc
+                if inc == 2:
+                    pline.append([GB2312, chrx])
+                else:
+                    pline.append([ASCII, chrx])
+                if pos >= line_len:
+                    break
+                if (self.wrapped == True) and ((cpos + 2) >= self.numOfChr):
+                    cpos = 0
+                    self.parsedLines.append(pline)
+                    pline = []
+            self.parsedLines.append(pline)
+def usage():
+    print "usage: gbpdf [option] inputfile outfile"
+    print "d: integer, s:string"
+    print "-w d, --wrap=d: wrapping line up to d ASCII characters (Each GB2312 character"
+    print "      occupis two ASCII character spaces.)"
+    print "-s d, --size=d: set the size of font (default: 11)"
+    print "-f s, --font=s: set font (default: 'Msung-Light')"
+    print "-l d, --linespacing=d: set spacing between line (default:2)"
+    print "--inputfile=s: input file name"
+    print "--outputfile=s: outfile name (default: inputfile.pdf)"
+    print "--showfonts: show avaiable fonts"
+getopt.GetoptError = getopt.error
+def main():
+    try:
+        opts, args =\
+              getopt.getopt(argv[1:],
+                            "w:s:f:l:",
+                            ["size=",
+                             "font=",
+                             "linespacing=",
+                             "inputfile=",
+                             "outputfile=",
+                             "wrap=",
+                             "showfonts"])
+    except getopt.error:
+        usage()
+        exit(2)
+    #print opts, args
+    doc = document()
+    doc.setFont(doc.fontNames[0])
+    doc.setWrapped(False, 0)
+    doc.setLineSpacing(2)
+    doc.setFontSize(11)
+    infile = ""
+    outfile = ""
+    for opt in opts:
+        if opt[0] == "--size" or opt[0] == "-s":
+            doc.setFontSize(atof(opt[1]))
+            continue
+        if opt[0] == "--font" or opt[0] == "-f":
+            doc.setFont(opt[1])
+            continue
+        if opt[0] == "--wrap" or opt[0] == "-w":
+            doc.setWrapped(True, atoi(opt[1]))
+            continue
+        if opt[0] == "--linespacing" or opt[0] == "-l":
+            doc.setLineSpacing(atof(opt[1]))
+        if opt[0] == "--inputfile":
+            infile = opt[1]
+            continue
+        if opt[0] == "--outfile":
+            outfile = opt[1]
+            continue
+        if opt[0] == "--showfonts":
+            print "Avaiable Fonts:"
+            for f in doc.fontNames:
+                print f
+            exit(2)
+    if len(args) == 2:
+        infile = args[0]
+        outfile = args[1]
+    elif len(args) == 1:
+        infile = args[0]
+    if infile == "":
+        print "no input file name"
+        exit(2)
+    if outfile == "":
+        outfile = infile+".pdf"
+    doc.parseFile(infile)
+    renderer(doc,outfile)
+    print "Output File is %s" % outfile 
+if __name__ == "__main__":                
+    main()

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