svn commit: r347936 - in head: . japanese japanese/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin japanese/spamassassin mail mail/claws-mail-spamassassin mail/evolution mail/exim mail/isbg mail/mailscanner mail/mimedefang m...

Bryan Drewery bdrewery at
Wed Mar 12 13:22:54 UTC 2014

On 3/12/2014 8:18 AM, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> +--On 12 mars 2014 14:06:43 +0100 Mathieu Arnold <mat at> wrote:
> | +--On 12 mars 2014 07:46:05 -0500 Bryan Drewery <bdrewery at>
> | wrote:
> || On 3/11/2014 9:56 PM, Andrej Zverev wrote:
> ||> I think since p5-Mail-SA has a long history in ports tree, you
> ||> (can/need/good idea) also send short annonce of such changes to
> ||> port-announce@ and ports@ maillists.
> || 
> || No, MOVED is sufficient. We never send ports@ or ports-announce@ for
> || renamed origins. Even UPDATING is not conventional in this case.
> | 
> | MOVED is not sufficient, people using binary packages only will have to
> | guess what they should do when pkg upgrade tells them they have a
> | conflict.
> Ok, sorry, not making the right point here.
> MOVED is sufficient in the way that we don't need to announce this to the
> mailing lists. portupgrade and portmaster read it, and take care of doing
> the right translations.
> It leaves people who don't have /usr/ports because they use binary
> upgrades, sending emails won't help pkg figure out what to do in that case,
> but it's a topic for another day.

We definitely need to solve this eventually. It's the whole UPDATING and
MOVED that package users don't see now. There were plans for a pkg-news
but it has not manifested yet.

Bryan Drewery

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