svn commit: r317190 - in head/devel/tcllib: . files

Pietro Cerutti gahr at
Fri May 3 09:58:19 UTC 2013

Author: gahr
Date: Fri May  3 09:58:18 2013
New Revision: 317190

  - Add DOCS and MANPAGES options
  - Install man pages with a .tcllib suffix to avoid conflicts with other
    ports such as devel/tcl-trf.

  head/devel/tcllib/files/patch-installer.tcl   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/devel/tcllib/Makefile
--- head/devel/tcllib/Makefile	Fri May  3 09:53:54 2013	(r317189)
+++ head/devel/tcllib/Makefile	Fri May  3 09:58:18 2013	(r317190)
@@ -3,23 +3,45 @@
 PORTNAME=	tcllib
 CATEGORIES=	devel tcl
 MAINTAINER=	tcltk at
 COMMENT=	A collection of utility modules for Tcl
 USE_TCL=	84+
+CONFIGURE_ENV+=	ac_cv_path_tclsh="${TCLSH}"
+INSTALL_ARGS=	-pkgs -pkg-path ${PREFIX}/lib/tcllib \
+		-apps -app-path ${PREFIX}/bin \
+		-no-wait -no-gui -no-examples
 .include <>
+# Man pages
+ALL_TARGET+=	nroff-doc
+INSTALL_ARGS+=	-nroff-path ${MANPREFIX}/man/mann
 .include ""
-CONFIGURE_ENV+=	ac_cv_path_tclsh="${TCLSH}"
+# HTML documentation
+ALL_TARGET+=	html-doc
+INSTALL_ARGS+=	-html-path ${DOCSDIR}
@@ -42,13 +64,16 @@ post-patch:
 #	 installed
 	${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name "*.orig" -delete
+#	man pages have the .tcllib suffix, so there's no need to have a
+#	tcllib_ prefix too
+	for man in `${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name "tcllib_*.man"`; do \
+	    ${MV} $$man `echo $$man | ${SED} -e 's|tcllib_||'`; \
+	done
-	cd ${WRKSRC} && ${MAKE} html-doc
-	cd ${WRKSRC}/doc/html && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} \* ${DOCSDIR}
+	cd ${WRKSRC} && ${TCLSH} ./installer.tcl ${INSTALL_ARGS}
 regression-test: build

Modified: head/devel/tcllib/
--- head/devel/tcllib/	Fri May  3 09:53:54 2013	(r317189)
+++ head/devel/tcllib/	Fri May  3 09:58:18 2013	(r317190)
@@ -1,350 +1,345 @@
-INSTALL_TARGET=	install-libraries install-applications
-MANN=		S3.n \
-		adjust.n \
-		adler32.n \
-		aes.n \
-		annealing.n \
-		ansi_cattr.n \
-		ansi_cctrl.n \
-		ansi_cmacros.n \
-		ansi_code.n \
-		ansi_ctrlu.n \
-		ansi_send.n \
-		ascii85.n \
-		asn.n \
-		async.n \
-		autoproxy.n \
-		aycock.n \
-		base32.n \
-		base32core.n \
-		base32hex.n \
-		base64.n \
-		bee.n \
-		bibtex.n \
-		bigfloat.n \
-		bignum.n \
-		blowfish.n \
-		calculus.n \
-		cat.n \
-		cfront.n \
-		cgen.n \
-		changelog.n \
-		cksum.n \
-		cmdline.n \
-		combinatorics.n \
-		comm.n \
-		comm_wire.n \
-		connect.n \
-		constants.n \
-		container.n \
-		control.n \
-		copyops.n \
-		core.n \
-		counter.n \
-		crc16.n \
-		crc32.n \
-		csv.n \
-		cvs.n \
-		dacceptor.n \
-		ddest.n \
-		decimal.n \
-		deleg_method.n \
-		deleg_proc.n \
-		des.n \
-		dexec.n \
-		disjointset.n \
-		docidx.n \
-		docidx_intro.n \
-		docidx_lang_cmdref.n \
-		docidx_lang_faq.n \
-		docidx_lang_intro.n \
-		docidx_lang_syntax.n \
-		docidx_plugin_apiref.n \
-		docstrip.n \
-		docstrip_util.n \
-		doctoc.n \
-		doctoc_intro.n \
-		doctoc_lang_cmdref.n \
-		doctoc_lang_faq.n \
-		doctoc_lang_intro.n \
-		doctoc_lang_syntax.n \
-		doctoc_plugin_apiref.n \
-		doctools.n \
-		doctools_intro.n \
-		doctools_lang_cmdref.n \
-		doctools_lang_faq.n \
-		doctools_lang_intro.n \
-		doctools_lang_syntax.n \
-		doctools_plugin_apiref.n \
-		dsource.n \
-		dtplite.n \
-		events.n \
-		expander.n \
-		export.n \
-		export_docidx.n \
-		export_doctoc.n \
-		export_html.n \
-		export_json.n \
-		export_nroff.n \
-		export_text.n \
-		export_wiki.n \
-		fa.n \
-		facade.n \
-		faop.n \
-		fifo.n \
-		fifo2.n \
-		filetypes.n \
-		fileutil.n \
-		fourier.n \
-		ftp.n \
-		ftp_geturl.n \
-		ftpd.n \
-		fuzzy.n \
-		gasm.n \
-		generator.n \
-		graph.n \
-		graph1.n \
-		graphops.n \
-		halfpipe.n \
-		hex.n \
-		hook.n \
-		html.n \
-		html_cssdefaults.n \
-		htmlparse.n \
-		huddle.n \
-		ident.n \
-		identity.n \
-		imap4.n \
-		imenu.n \
-		import.n \
-		import_docidx.n \
-		import_doctoc.n \
-		import_json.n \
-		ini.n \
-		interpolate.n \
-		introduction.n \
-		ipager.n \
-		irc.n \
-		iso8601.n \
-		javascript.n \
-		jpeg.n \
-		json.n \
-		json_write.n \
-		lambda.n \
-		ldap.n \
-		ldapx.n \
-		limitsize.n \
-		linalg.n \
-		log.n \
-		logger.n \
-		loggerAppender.n \
-		loggerUtils.n \
-		machineparameters.n \
-		map_geocode_nominatim.n \
-		map_slippy.n \
-		map_slippy_cache.n \
-		map_slippy_fetcher.n \
-		mapproj.n \
-		math.n \
-		math_geometry.n \
-		matrix.n \
-		matrix1.n \
-		md4.n \
-		md5.n \
-		md5crypt.n \
-		me_ast.n \
-		me_cpu.n \
-		me_cpucore.n \
-		me_intro.n \
-		me_tcl.n \
-		me_util.n \
-		me_vm.n \
-		memchan.n \
-		mime.n \
-		mimetypes.n \
-		montecarlo.n \
-		mpexpand.n \
-		msgcat_c.n \
-		msgcat_de.n \
-		msgcat_en.n \
-		msgcat_fr.n \
-		multi.n \
-		multiop.n \
-		multiplexer.n \
-		namespacex.n \
-		ncgi.n \
-		nmea.n \
-		nns.n \
-		nns_auto.n \
-		nns_client.n \
-		nns_common.n \
-		nns_intro.n \
-		nns_protocol.n \
-		nns_server.n \
-		nnsd.n \
-		nnslog.n \
-		nntp.n \
-		nroff_manmacros.n \
-		ntp_time.n \
-		null.n \
-		nullzero.n \
-		numtheory.n \
-		observe.n \
-		ooutil.n \
-		optimize.n \
-		otp.n \
-		page.n \
-		page_intro.n \
-		page_pluginmgr.n \
-		page_util_flow.n \
-		page_util_norm_lemon.n \
-		page_util_norm_peg.n \
-		page_util_peg.n \
-		page_util_quote.n \
-		parse.n \
-		peg.n \
-		peg_interp.n \
-		picoirc.n \
-		pki.n \
-		pluginmgr.n \
-		png.n \
-		polynomials.n \
-		pool.n \
-		pop3.n \
-		pop3d.n \
-		pop3d_dbox.n \
-		pop3d_udb.n \
-		prioqueue.n \
-		profiler.n \
-		pt.n \
-		pt_astree.n \
-		pt_cparam_config_critcl.n \
-		pt_from_api.n \
-		pt_introduction.n \
-		pt_json_language.n \
-		pt_param.n \
-		pt_parser_api.n \
-		pt_peg_container.n \
-		pt_peg_container_peg.n \
-		pt_peg_export.n \
-		pt_peg_export_container.n \
-		pt_peg_export_json.n \
-		pt_peg_export_peg.n \
-		pt_peg_from_container.n \
-		pt_peg_from_json.n \
-		pt_peg_from_peg.n \
-		pt_peg_import.n \
-		pt_peg_import_container.n \
-		pt_peg_import_json.n \
-		pt_peg_import_peg.n \
-		pt_peg_interp.n \
-		pt_peg_introduction.n \
-		pt_peg_language.n \
-		pt_peg_to_container.n \
-		pt_peg_to_cparam.n \
-		pt_peg_to_json.n \
-		pt_peg_to_param.n \
-		pt_peg_to_peg.n \
-		pt_peg_to_tclparam.n \
-		pt_pegrammar.n \
-		pt_pexpr_op.n \
-		pt_pexpression.n \
-		pt_pgen.n \
-		pt_rdengine.n \
-		pt_tclparam_config_snit.n \
-		pt_tclparam_config_tcloo.n \
-		pt_to_api.n \
-		qcomplex.n \
-		queue.n \
-		random.n \
-		randseed.n \
-		rational_funcs.n \
-		rc4.n \
-		rcs.n \
-		receive.n \
-		receiver.n \
-		record.n \
-		repeat.n \
-		report.n \
-		rest.n \
-		rfc2822.n \
-		ripemd128.n \
-		ripemd160.n \
-		roman.n \
-		romberg.n \
-		rot.n \
-		rtcore.n \
-		sasl.n \
-		sha1.n \
-		sha256.n \
-		simulation_random.n \
-		skiplist.n \
-		smtp.n \
-		smtpd.n \
-		snit.n \
-		snitfaq.n \
-		soundex.n \
-		spacer.n \
-		special.n \
-		stack.n \
-		statistics.n \
-		std.n \
-		stooop.n \
-		string.n \
-		stringprep.n \
-		stringprep_data.n \
-		struct_list.n \
-		struct_set.n \
-		struct_tree.n \
-		struct_tree1.n \
-		structure.n \
-		sum.n \
-		symdiff.n \
-		tabify.n \
-		tar.n \
-		tcl_parse.n \
-		tcldocstrip.n \
-		tcllib_dns.n \
-		tcllib_interp.n \
-		tcllib_ip.n \
-		tcllib_msgcat.n \
-		tcllib_try.n \
-		tepam_argument_dialogbox.n \
-		tepam_introduction.n \
-		tepam_procedure.n \
-		term.n \
-		term_bind.n \
-		term_send.n \
-		textutil.n \
-		textutil_split.n \
-		textutil_string.n \
-		textwindow.n \
-		tie.n \
-		tie_std.n \
-		tiff.n \
-		tqueue.n \
-		transformcore.n \
-		transmitter.n \
-		traverse.n \
-		treeql.n \
-		trim.n \
-		uevent.n \
-		uevent_onidle.n \
-		unicode.n \
-		unicode_data.n \
-		units.n \
-		uri.n \
-		urn-scheme.n \
-		uuencode.n \
-		uuid.n \
-		variable.n \
-		wip.n \
-		xsxp.n \
-		yaml.n \
-		yencode.n \
-		zero.n \
-		zlib.n
+MANN=		S3.tcllib \
+		adjust.tcllib \
+		adler32.tcllib \
+		aes.tcllib \
+		annealing.tcllib \
+		ansi_cattr.tcllib \
+		ansi_cctrl.tcllib \
+		ansi_cmacros.tcllib \
+		ansi_code.tcllib \
+		ansi_ctrlu.tcllib \
+		ansi_send.tcllib \
+		ascii85.tcllib \
+		asn.tcllib \
+		async.tcllib \
+		autoproxy.tcllib \
+		aycock.tcllib \
+		base32.tcllib \
+		base32core.tcllib \
+		base32hex.tcllib \
+		base64.tcllib \
+		bee.tcllib \
+		bibtex.tcllib \
+		bigfloat.tcllib \
+		bignum.tcllib \
+		blowfish.tcllib \
+		calculus.tcllib \
+		cat.tcllib \
+		cfront.tcllib \
+		cgen.tcllib \
+		changelog.tcllib \
+		cksum.tcllib \
+		cmdline.tcllib \
+		combinatorics.tcllib \
+		comm.tcllib \
+		comm_wire.tcllib \
+		connect.tcllib \
+		constants.tcllib \
+		container.tcllib \
+		control.tcllib \
+		copyops.tcllib \
+		core.tcllib \
+		counter.tcllib \
+		crc16.tcllib \
+		crc32.tcllib \
+		csv.tcllib \
+		cvs.tcllib \
+		dacceptor.tcllib \
+		ddest.tcllib \
+		decimal.tcllib \
+		deleg_method.tcllib \
+		deleg_proc.tcllib \
+		des.tcllib \
+		dexec.tcllib \
+		disjointset.tcllib \
+		dns.tcllib \
+		docidx.tcllib \
+		docidx_intro.tcllib \
+		docidx_lang_cmdref.tcllib \
+		docidx_lang_faq.tcllib \
+		docidx_lang_intro.tcllib \
+		docidx_lang_syntax.tcllib \
+		docidx_plugin_apiref.tcllib \
+		docstrip.tcllib \
+		docstrip_util.tcllib \
+		doctoc.tcllib \
+		doctoc_intro.tcllib \
+		doctoc_lang_cmdref.tcllib \
+		doctoc_lang_faq.tcllib \
+		doctoc_lang_intro.tcllib \
+		doctoc_lang_syntax.tcllib \
+		doctoc_plugin_apiref.tcllib \
+		doctools.tcllib \
+		doctools_intro.tcllib \
+		doctools_lang_cmdref.tcllib \
+		doctools_lang_faq.tcllib \
+		doctools_lang_intro.tcllib \
+		doctools_lang_syntax.tcllib \
+		doctools_plugin_apiref.tcllib \
+		dsource.tcllib \
+		dtplite.tcllib \
+		events.tcllib \
+		expander.tcllib \
+		export.tcllib \
+		export_docidx.tcllib \
+		export_doctoc.tcllib \
+		export_html.tcllib \
+		export_json.tcllib \
+		export_nroff.tcllib \
+		export_text.tcllib \
+		export_wiki.tcllib \
+		fa.tcllib \
+		facade.tcllib \
+		faop.tcllib \
+		fifo.tcllib \
+		fifo2.tcllib \
+		filetypes.tcllib \
+		fileutil.tcllib \
+		fourier.tcllib \
+		ftp.tcllib \
+		ftp_geturl.tcllib \
+		ftpd.tcllib \
+		fuzzy.tcllib \
+		gasm.tcllib \
+		generator.tcllib \
+		graph.tcllib \
+		graph1.tcllib \
+		graphops.tcllib \
+		halfpipe.tcllib \
+		hex.tcllib \
+		hook.tcllib \
+		html.tcllib \
+		html_cssdefaults.tcllib \
+		htmlparse.tcllib \
+		huddle.tcllib \
+		ident.tcllib \
+		identity.tcllib \
+		imap4.tcllib \
+		imenu.tcllib \
+		import.tcllib \
+		import_docidx.tcllib \
+		import_doctoc.tcllib \
+		import_json.tcllib \
+		ini.tcllib \
+		interp.tcllib \
+		interpolate.tcllib \
+		introduction.tcllib \
+		ip.tcllib \
+		ipager.tcllib \
+		irc.tcllib \
+		iso8601.tcllib \
+		javascript.tcllib \
+		jpeg.tcllib \
+		json.tcllib \
+		json_write.tcllib \
+		lambda.tcllib \
+		ldap.tcllib \
+		ldapx.tcllib \
+		limitsize.tcllib \
+		linalg.tcllib \
+		log.tcllib \
+		logger.tcllib \
+		loggerAppender.tcllib \
+		loggerUtils.tcllib \
+		machineparameters.tcllib \
+		map_geocode_nominatim.tcllib \
+		map_slippy.tcllib \
+		map_slippy_cache.tcllib \
+		map_slippy_fetcher.tcllib \
+		mapproj.tcllib \
+		math.tcllib \
+		math_geometry.tcllib \
+		matrix.tcllib \
+		matrix1.tcllib \
+		md4.tcllib \
+		md5.tcllib \
+		md5crypt.tcllib \
+		me_ast.tcllib \
+		me_cpu.tcllib \
+		me_cpucore.tcllib \
+		me_intro.tcllib \
+		me_tcl.tcllib \
+		me_util.tcllib \
+		me_vm.tcllib \
+		memchan.tcllib \
+		mime.tcllib \
+		mimetypes.tcllib \
+		montecarlo.tcllib \
+		mpexpand.tcllib \
+		msgcat.tcllib \
+		msgcat_c.tcllib \
+		msgcat_de.tcllib \
+		msgcat_en.tcllib \
+		msgcat_fr.tcllib \
+		multi.tcllib \
+		multiop.tcllib \
+		multiplexer.tcllib \
+		namespacex.tcllib \
+		ncgi.tcllib \
+		nmea.tcllib \
+		nns.tcllib \
+		nns_auto.tcllib \
+		nns_client.tcllib \
+		nns_common.tcllib \
+		nns_intro.tcllib \
+		nns_protocol.tcllib \
+		nns_server.tcllib \
+		nnsd.tcllib \
+		nnslog.tcllib \
+		nntp.tcllib \
+		nroff_manmacros.tcllib \
+		ntp_time.tcllib \
+		null.tcllib \
+		nullzero.tcllib \
+		numtheory.tcllib \
+		observe.tcllib \
+		ooutil.tcllib \
+		optimize.tcllib \
+		otp.tcllib \
+		page.tcllib \
+		page_intro.tcllib \
+		page_pluginmgr.tcllib \
+		page_util_flow.tcllib \
+		page_util_norm_lemon.tcllib \
+		page_util_norm_peg.tcllib \
+		page_util_peg.tcllib \
+		page_util_quote.tcllib \
+		parse.tcllib \
+		peg.tcllib \
+		peg_interp.tcllib \
+		picoirc.tcllib \
+		pki.tcllib \
+		pluginmgr.tcllib \
+		png.tcllib \
+		polynomials.tcllib \
+		pool.tcllib \
+		pop3.tcllib \
+		pop3d.tcllib \
+		pop3d_dbox.tcllib \
+		pop3d_udb.tcllib \
+		prioqueue.tcllib \
+		profiler.tcllib \
+		pt.tcllib \
+		pt_astree.tcllib \
+		pt_cparam_config_critcl.tcllib \
+		pt_from_api.tcllib \
+		pt_introduction.tcllib \
+		pt_json_language.tcllib \
+		pt_param.tcllib \
+		pt_parser_api.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_container.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_container_peg.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_export.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_export_container.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_export_json.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_export_peg.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_from_container.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_from_json.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_from_peg.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_import.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_import_container.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_import_json.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_import_peg.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_interp.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_introduction.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_language.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_to_container.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_to_cparam.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_to_json.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_to_param.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_to_peg.tcllib \
+		pt_peg_to_tclparam.tcllib \
+		pt_pegrammar.tcllib \
+		pt_pexpr_op.tcllib \
+		pt_pexpression.tcllib \
+		pt_pgen.tcllib \
+		pt_rdengine.tcllib \
+		pt_tclparam_config_snit.tcllib \
+		pt_tclparam_config_tcloo.tcllib \
+		pt_to_api.tcllib \
+		qcomplex.tcllib \
+		queue.tcllib \
+		random.tcllib \
+		randseed.tcllib \
+		rational_funcs.tcllib \
+		rc4.tcllib \
+		rcs.tcllib \
+		receive.tcllib \
+		receiver.tcllib \
+		record.tcllib \
+		repeat.tcllib \
+		report.tcllib \
+		rest.tcllib \
+		rfc2822.tcllib \
+		ripemd128.tcllib \
+		ripemd160.tcllib \
+		roman.tcllib \
+		romberg.tcllib \
+		rot.tcllib \
+		rtcore.tcllib \
+		sasl.tcllib \
+		sha1.tcllib \
+		sha256.tcllib \
+		simulation_random.tcllib \
+		skiplist.tcllib \
+		smtp.tcllib \
+		smtpd.tcllib \
+		snit.tcllib \
+		snitfaq.tcllib \
+		soundex.tcllib \
+		spacer.tcllib \
+		special.tcllib \
+		stack.tcllib \
+		statistics.tcllib \
+		std.tcllib \
+		stooop.tcllib \
+		string.tcllib \
+		stringprep.tcllib \
+		stringprep_data.tcllib \
+		struct_list.tcllib \
+		struct_set.tcllib \
+		struct_tree.tcllib \
+		struct_tree1.tcllib \
+		structure.tcllib \
+		sum.tcllib \
+		symdiff.tcllib \
+		tabify.tcllib \
+		tar.tcllib \
+		tcl_parse.tcllib \
+		tcldocstrip.tcllib \
+		tepam_argument_dialogbox.tcllib \
+		tepam_introduction.tcllib \
+		tepam_procedure.tcllib \
+		term.tcllib \
+		term_bind.tcllib \
+		term_send.tcllib \
+		textutil.tcllib \
+		textutil_split.tcllib \
+		textutil_string.tcllib \
+		textwindow.tcllib \
+		tie.tcllib \
+		tie_std.tcllib \
+		tiff.tcllib \
+		tqueue.tcllib \
+		transformcore.tcllib \
+		transmitter.tcllib \
+		traverse.tcllib \
+		treeql.tcllib \
+		trim.tcllib \
+		try.tcllib \
+		uevent.tcllib \
+		uevent_onidle.tcllib \
+		unicode.tcllib \
+		unicode_data.tcllib \
+		units.tcllib \
+		uri.tcllib \
+		urn-scheme.tcllib \
+		uuencode.tcllib \
+		uuid.tcllib \
+		variable.tcllib \
+		wip.tcllib \
+		xsxp.tcllib \
+		yaml.tcllib \
+		yencode.tcllib \
+		zero.tcllib \
+		zlib.tcllib

Added: head/devel/tcllib/files/patch-installer.tcl
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/devel/tcllib/files/patch-installer.tcl	Fri May  3 09:58:18 2013	(r317190)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- installer.tcl.orig	2013-04-26 17:00:27.000000000 +0200
++++ installer.tcl	2013-04-26 17:00:45.000000000 +0200
+@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
+ 	if {[file exists $]} {
+ 	    if {$config(doc,nroff)} {
+-		_manfile $ nroff n $config(doc,nroff,path)
++		_manfile $ nroff tcllib $config(doc,nroff,path)
+ 	    }
+ 	    if {$config(doc,html)} {
+ 		_manfile $ html html $config(doc,html,path)
+@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
+ 	xinstall   pkg $config(pkg,path)
+ 	gen_main_index $config(pkg,path) $package_name $package_version
+ 	if {$config(doc,nroff)} {
+-	    xinstall doc nroff n    $config(doc,nroff,path)
++	    xinstall doc nroff tcllib $config(doc,nroff,path)
+ 	}
+ 	if {$config(doc,html)}  {
+ 	    xinstall doc html  html $config(doc,html,path)

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