svn commit: r422160 - in head: chinese/fortune french/fortune-mod-zarathoustra misc/fortune-mod-bible misc/fortune-mod-bofh misc/fortune-mod-culmea-culmilor misc/fortune-mod-epictetus misc/fortune-...

Steve Wills swills at
Wed Sep 14 21:55:37 UTC 2016

On 09/14/2016 17:28, John Marino wrote:
> The fact is that the scenario above is legitimate and it was fixed.

I'm not sure I agree. There are exceptions, but ports hasn't typically
accommodated all the things that can be disabled in base.

Looks like there are 179 WITHOUT_* knobs. I'm probably missing
something, but it looks like ports only currently accommodates
WITHOUT_NLS and WITHOUT_SSP. Not all of the WITHOUT_* knobs would affect
ports, but adding support for all the WITHOUT_* knobs would still be a
big decision and a big job. Adding support for WITHOUT_GAMES would have
been different from what was done.


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