svn commit: r331725 - head/textproc/multimarkdown

Bryan Drewery bdrewery at
Fri Nov 15 19:03:33 UTC 2013

On 2013-11-15 12:58, Adam Weinberger wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Nov 2013 08:23:09 -0500, Bryan Drewery 
> <bdrewery at>  wrote:
>> On 10/26/2013 12:56 PM, Adam Weinberger wrote:
>>> Author: adamw
>>> Date: Sat Oct 26 17:56:07 2013
>>> New Revision: 331725
>>> URL:
>>> Log:
>>>   Update to 4.3.2.
>>>   The source remains only available through github. It also includes
>>>   a couple git submodules, which do not get included in the  
>>> auto-generated
>>>   source tarballs. Some of these submodules do not have tagged 
>>> releases.
>>>   So, I'm cutting my losses and just checking the source itself out
>>>   of github.
>> This is why we have USE_GITHUB. See /usr/ports/CHANGES for how to use 
>> it.
>> git(1) should not be used for any fetching at all. It short circuits 
>> the
>> checksum storage and is not a secure method of downloading the source.
> Okay, I understand the problems with the port. Everyone keeps telling
> me  to use USE_GITHUB, but every time I ask for help I get silence.
> 1) How do I use USE_GITHUB to fetch distfiles from projects with no 
> tags


> 2) How do I use USE_GITHUB to fetch distfiles from two different  
> 3) How do I use USE_GITHUB to fetch multiple distfiles at all?

You can't, but you just use what USE_GITHUB is doing anyway, which is a 
of github's tarball URL.


It downloads known hash 7359019, saves file as 

The port becomes a "snapshot" port. You update it occasionally with 
latest update. You can use
YYYYMMDD as the PORTVERSION if upstream has no tags.

I can expand on this more if needed.

> # Adam

Bryan Drewery

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