svn commit: r50628 - in head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook: makefiles order

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Fri Aug 4 10:23:59 UTC 2017

Author: mat
Date: Fri Aug  4 10:23:58 2017
New Revision: 50628

  Rewrite the Makefile chapter a bit to promote DISTVERSION.
  Reviewed by:	bcr
  Sponsored by:	Absolight, The FreeBSD Foundation
  Differential Revision:

  head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/order/chapter.xml   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/makefiles/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/makefiles/chapter.xml	Fri Aug  4 10:23:55 2017	(r50627)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/makefiles/chapter.xml	Fri Aug  4 10:23:58 2017	(r50628)
@@ -49,26 +49,277 @@
       the correct category.</para>
     <sect2 xml:id="makefile-portname">
-      <title><varname>PORTNAME</varname> and
-	<varname>PORTVERSION</varname></title>
+      <title><varname>PORTNAME</varname></title>
-      <para>Set <varname>PORTNAME</varname> to the base
-	name of the port.  Set <varname>PORTVERSION</varname> to the
-	version number of the port unless
-	<varname>DISTVERSION</varname> is used (see
-	<xref linkend="makefile-distversion"/>).</para>
+      <para>Set <varname>PORTNAME</varname> to the base name of the
+	software.  It is used as the base for the &os; package, and
+	for <link
+	  linkend="makefile-distname"><varname>DISTNAME</varname></link>.</para>
 	<para>The package name must be unique across the entire ports
 	  tree.  Make sure that the <varname>PORTNAME</varname> is not
-	  already in use by an existing port.  If the name has already
-	  been used, add either
-	  <link
+	  already in use by an existing port, and that no other port
+	  already has the same <varname>PKGBASE</varname>.  If the
+	  name has already been used, add either <link
 	    or <varname>PKGNAMESUFFIX</varname></link>.</para>
+    <sect2 xml:id="makefile-versions">
+      <title>Versions, <varname>DISTVERSION</varname>
+	<emphasis>or</emphasis> <varname>PORTVERSION</varname></title>
+      <para>Set <varname>DISTVERSION</varname> to the version number
+	of the software.</para>
+      <para><varname>PORTVERSION</varname> is the version used for the
+	&os; package.  It will be automatically derived from
+	<varname>DISTVERSION</varname> to be compatible with &os;'s
+	package versioning scheme.  If the version contains
+	<emphasis>letters</emphasis>, it might be needed to set
+	<varname>PORTVERSION</varname> and not
+	<varname>DISTVERSION</varname>.</para>
+      <important>
+	<para>Only one of <varname>PORTVERSION</varname> and
+	  <varname>DISTVERSION</varname> can be set at a time.</para>
+      </important>
+      <para>From time to time, some software will use a version
+	scheme that is not compatible with how
+	<varname>DISTVERSION</varname> translates in
+	<varname>PORTVERSION</varname>.</para>
+      <tip>
+	<para>When updating a port, it is possible to use
+	  &man.pkg-version.8;'s <option>-t</option> argument to
+	  check if the new version is greater or lesser than before.
+	  See <xref
+	    linkend="makefile-versions-ex-pkg-version"/>.</para>
+      </tip>
+      <example xml:id="makefile-versions-ex-pkg-version">
+	<title>Using &man.pkg-version.8; to Compare Versions.</title>
+	<para><command>pkg version -t</command> takes two versions as
+	  arguments, it will respond with <literal><</literal>,
+	  <literal>=</literal> or <literal>></literal> if the first
+	  version is less, equal, or more than the second
+	  version, respectively.</para>
+	<screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>pkg version -t 1.2 1.3</userinput>
+< <co xml:id="makefile-versions-tip-co1"/>
+&prompt.user; <userinput>pkg version -t 1.2 1.2</userinput>
+= <co xml:id="makefile-versions-tip-co2"/>
+&prompt.user; <userinput>pkg version -t 1.2 1.2.0</userinput>
+= <co xml:id="makefile-versions-tip-co3"/>
+&prompt.user; <userinput>pkg version -t 1.2 1.2.p1</userinput>
+> <co xml:id="makefile-versions-tip-co4"/>
+&prompt.user; <userinput>pkg version -t 1.2.a1 1.2.b1</userinput>
+< <co xml:id="makefile-versions-tip-co5"/>
+&prompt.user; <userinput>pkg version -t 1.2 1.2p1</userinput>
+< <co xml:id="makefile-versions-tip-co6"/></screen>
+	<calloutlist>
+	  <callout arearefs="makefile-versions-tip-co1">
+	    <para><literal>1.2</literal> is before
+	      <literal>1.3</literal>.</para>
+	  </callout>
+	  <callout arearefs="makefile-versions-tip-co3">
+	    <para><literal>1.2</literal> and <literal>1.2</literal>
+	      are equal as they have the same version.</para>
+	  </callout>
+	  <callout arearefs="makefile-versions-tip-co3">
+	    <para><literal>1.2</literal> and <literal>1.2.0</literal>
+	      are equal as nothing equals zero.</para>
+	  </callout>
+	  <callout arearefs="makefile-versions-tip-co4">
+	    <para><literal>1.2</literal> is after
+	      <literal>1.2.p1</literal> as <literal>.p1</literal>,
+	      think <quote>pre-release 1</quote>.</para>
+	  </callout>
+	  <callout arearefs="makefile-versions-tip-co4">
+	    <para><literal>1.2.a1</literal> is before
+	      <literal>1.2.b1</literal>, think <quote>alpha</quote>
+	      and <quote>beta</quote>, and <literal>a</literal> is
+	      before <literal>b</literal>.</para>
+	  </callout>
+	  <callout arearefs="makefile-versions-tip-co6">
+	    <para><literal>1.2</literal> is before
+	      <literal>1.2p1</literal> as <literal>2p1</literal>,
+	      think <quote>2, patch level 1</quote> which is a version
+	      after any <literal>2.X</literal> but before
+	      <literal>3</literal>.</para>
+	  </callout>
+	</calloutlist>
+	<note>
+	  <para>In here, the <literal>a</literal>,
+	    <literal>b</literal>, and <literal>p</literal> are used as
+	    if meaning <quote>alpha</quote>, <quote>beta</quote> or
+	    <quote>pre-release</quote> and <quote>patch level</quote>,
+	    but they are only letters and are sorted alphabetically,
+	    so any letter can be used, and they will be sorted
+	    appropriately.</para>
+	</note>
+      </example>
+      <table frame="none" pgwide="0">
+	<title>Examples of <varname>DISTVERSION</varname> and the
+	  Derived <varname>PORTVERSION</varname></title>
+	<tgroup cols="2">
+	  <thead>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>DISTVERSION</varname></entry>
+	      <entry><varname>PORTVERSION</varname></entry>
+	    </row>
+	  </thead>
+	  <tbody>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry>0.7.1d</entry>
+	      <entry>0.7.1.d</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry>10Alpha3</entry>
+	      <entry>10.a3</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry>3Beta7-pre2</entry>
+	      <entry>3.b7.p2</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry>8:f_17</entry>
+	      <entry>8f.17</entry>
+	    </row>
+	  </tbody>
+	</tgroup>
+      </table>
+      <example xml:id="makefile-versions-ex1">
+	<title>Using <varname>DISTVERSION</varname></title>
+	<para>When the version only contains numbers separated by
+	  dots, dashes or underscores, use
+	  <varname>DISTVERSION</varname>.</para>
+	<programlisting>PORTNAME=   nekoto
+DISTVERSION=	1.2-4</programlisting>
+	<para>It will generate a <varname>PORTVERSION</varname> of
+	  <literal>1.2.4</literal>.</para>
+      </example>
+      <example xml:id="makefile-versions-ex2">
+	<title>Using <varname>DISTVERSION</varname> When the Version
+	  Starts with a Letter or a Prefix</title>
+	<para>When the version starts or ends with a letter, or a
+	  prefix or a suffix that is not part of the version, use
+	  <varname>DISTVERSIONPREFIX</varname>,
+	  <varname>DISTVERSION</varname>, and
+	  <varname>DISTVERSIONSUFFIX</varname>.</para>
+	<para>If the version is <literal>v1.2-4</literal>:</para>
+	<programlisting>PORTNAME=   nekoto
+DISTVERSION=	1_2_4</programlisting>
+	  <para>Some of the time, projects using
+	    <application>GitHub</application> will use their name in
+	    their versions.  For example, the version could be
+	    <literal>nekoto-1.2-4</literal>:</para>
+	  <programlisting>PORTNAME=   nekoto
+DISTVERSION=	1.2_4</programlisting>
+	<para>Those projects also sometimes use some string at the end
+	  of the version, for example,
+	  <literal>1.2-4_RELEASE</literal>:</para>
+	<programlisting>PORTNAME=   nekoto
+	<para>Or they do both, for example,
+	  <literal>nekoto-1.2-4_RELEASE</literal>:</para>
+	<programlisting>PORTNAME=   nekoto
+	<para><varname>DISTVERSIONPREFIX</varname> and
+	  <varname>DISTVERSIONSUFFIX</varname> will not be used while
+	  constructing <varname>PORTVERSION</varname>, but only used
+	  in <varname>DISTNAME</varname>.</para>
+	<para>All will generate a <varname>PORTVERSION</varname> of
+	  <literal>1.2.4</literal>.</para>
+      </example>
+      <example xml:id="makefile-versions-ex3">
+	<title>Using <varname>DISTVERSION</varname> When the Version
+	  Contains Letters Meaning <quote>alpha</quote>,
+	  <quote>beta</quote>, or <quote>pre-release</quote></title>
+	<para>When the version contains numbers separated by dots,
+	  dashes or underscores, and letters are used to mean
+	  <quote>alpha</quote>, <quote>beta</quote> or
+	  <quote>pre-release</quote>, which is, before the version
+	  without the letters, use
+	  <varname>DISTVERSION</varname>.</para>
+	<programlisting>PORTNAME=   nekoto
+DISTVERSION=	1.2-pre4</programlisting>
+	<programlisting>PORTNAME=   nekoto
+DISTVERSION=	1.2p4</programlisting>
+	<para>Both will generate a <varname>PORTVERSION</varname> of
+	  <literal>1.2.p4</literal>.</para>
+      </example>
+      <example xml:id="makefile-versions-ex4">
+	<title>Not Using <varname>DISTVERSION</varname> When the
+	  Version Contains Letters Meaning "patch level"</title>
+	<para>When the version contains letters that are not meant as
+	  <quote>alpha</quote>, <quote>beta</quote>, or
+	  <quote>pre</quote>, but more in a <quote>patch
+	    level</quote>, and meaning after the version without the
+	  letters, use <varname>PORTVERSION</varname>.</para>
+	<programlisting>PORTNAME=   nekoto
+PORTVERSION=	1.2p4</programlisting>
+	<para>In this case, using <varname>DISTVERSION</varname> is
+	  not possible because it would generate a version of
+	  <literal>1.2.p4</literal> which would be before
+	  <literal>1.2</literal> and not after.</para>
+      </example>
+      <para>For some more advanced examples of setting
+	<varname>PORTVERSION</varname>, when the software's versioning
+	is really not compatible with &os;'s, or
+	<varname>DISTNAME</varname> when the distribution file does
+	not contain the version itself, see <xref
+	  linkend="makefile-distname"/>.</para>
+    </sect2>
     <sect2 xml:id="makefile-naming-revepoch">
       <title><varname>PORTREVISION</varname> and
@@ -1531,8 +1782,8 @@ PORTEPOCH=	1</programlisting>
       describes the files that must be downloaded to build
       the port, and where they can be downloaded.</para>
-    <sect2 xml:id="makefile-distversion">
-      <title><varname>DISTVERSION/DISTNAME</varname></title>
+    <sect2 xml:id="makefile-distname">
+      <title><varname>DISTNAME</varname></title>
       <para><varname>DISTNAME</varname> is the name of the port as
 	called by the authors of the software.
@@ -1581,7 +1832,7 @@ PORTEPOCH=	1</programlisting>
 	<varname>DISTNAME</varname> with <varname>PORTNAME</varname>
 	with the verbatim upstream version.</para>
-      <example xml:id="makefile-distversion-ex1">
+      <example xml:id="makefile-distname-ex1">
 	<title>Deriving <varname>PORTVERSION</varname>
@@ -1668,7 +1919,7 @@ ISCVERSION=	9.9.9-P6 <co xml:id="distversion-ex1-iscve
-      <example xml:id="makefile-distversion-ex2">
+      <example xml:id="makefile-distname-ex2">
 	<title>Derive <varname>DISTNAME</varname> from
@@ -1696,7 +1947,7 @@ DISTNAME=	cku${PORTVERSION:E}-dev20 <co xml:id="distve
-      <example xml:id="makefile-distversion-ex3">
+      <example xml:id="makefile-distname-ex3">
 	<title>Exotic Case 1</title>
 	<para>Sometimes, there is no relation between the software
@@ -1713,7 +1964,7 @@ MASTER_SITES=   LOCAL/jim
 DISTNAME=       ${PORTNAME}-1999-06-20</programlisting>
-      <example xml:id="makefile-distversion-ex4">
+      <example xml:id="makefile-distname-ex4">
 	<title>Exotic Case 2</title>
 	<para>In <package role="port">comms/librs232</package>, the
@@ -1728,42 +1979,6 @@ MASTER_SITES=
 DISTNAME=       RS-232
-      <table frame="none" pgwide="0">
-	<title>Examples of <varname>DISTVERSION</varname> and the
-	  Derived <varname>PORTVERSION</varname></title>
-	<tgroup cols="2">
-	  <thead>
-	    <row>
-	      <entry><varname>DISTVERSION</varname></entry>
-	      <entry><varname>PORTVERSION</varname></entry>
-	    </row>
-	  </thead>
-	  <tbody>
-	    <row>
-	      <entry>0.7.1d</entry>
-	      <entry>0.7.1.d</entry>
-	    </row>
-	    <row>
-	      <entry>10Alpha3</entry>
-	      <entry>10.a3</entry>
-	    </row>
-	    <row>
-	      <entry>3Beta7-pre2</entry>
-	      <entry>3.b7.p2</entry>
-	    </row>
-	    <row>
-	      <entry>8:f_17</entry>
-	      <entry>8f.17</entry>
-	    </row>
-	  </tbody>
-	</tgroup>
-      </table>
 	<para><varname>PKGNAMEPREFIX</varname> and

Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/order/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/order/chapter.xml	Fri Aug  4 10:23:55 2017	(r50627)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/order/chapter.xml	Fri Aug  4 10:23:58 2017	(r50628)
@@ -60,22 +60,22 @@
-	    linkend="makefile-portname"><varname>PORTVERSION</varname></link></para>
+	    linkend="makefile-versions"><varname>PORTVERSION</varname></link></para>
-	    linkend="makefile-distversion"><varname>DISTVERSIONPREFIX</varname></link></para>
+	    linkend="makefile-versions"><varname>DISTVERSIONPREFIX</varname></link></para>
-	    linkend="makefile-distversion"><varname>DISTVERSION</varname></link></para>
+	    linkend="makefile-versions"><varname>DISTVERSION</varname></link></para>
-	    linkend="makefile-distversion"><varname>DISTVERSIONSUFFIX</varname></link></para>
+	    linkend="makefile-versions"><varname>DISTVERSIONSUFFIX</varname></link></para>
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
-	    linkend="makefile-distversion"><varname>DISTNAME</varname></link></para>
+	    linkend="makefile-distname"><varname>DISTNAME</varname></link></para>

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