Extension to the netmap framework - Week 3

Stefano Duo duostefano93 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 21:35:40 UTC 2018


during the third week i wrote a CLI tool to manage vlan configurations.

vale-vlan-ctl accepted arguments:
"-n conf_name" creates and selects a new configuration named conf_name.
"-r conf_name" deletes the configuration named conf_name.
"-s conf_name" selects the existing configuration named conf_name.
"-t interface_name" attaches the existing interface named interface_name as
a trunk port.
"-T" detaches the current trunk port.
"-p interface_name" creates a persistent vale port named interface_name and
attaches it as a trunk port.
"-P" detaches and deletes the persistent vale port used as a trunk port.
"-a interface_name=vlan_id" attaches the existing interface named
interface_name as an access port with vlan id = vlan_id.
"-A interface_name" detaches the interface named interface_name.
"-c interface_name=vlan_id"  creates a persistent vale port named
interface_name and attaches it as an access port with vlan id = vlan_id.
"-C interface_name" detaches the persistent vale port named interface_name
and destroys it.
"-l" lists the interfaces attached to the selected configuration.


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