Extensions to the netmap framework - Week 7

Stefano Duo duostefano93 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 15:58:39 UTC 2018


during the seventh week i focused on writing a bash library to ease the
work (and lines of code) needed to write a test case.
The following utilities are provided:
- wrappers to start, stop and restart fd_server.
- wrappers to check if a command has been executed successfully and take
action if it has not.
- register multiple commands that will be executed at the end of the script
(it seems that bash only allows 1 per-signal).
- create VALE persistent ports, and veth interfaces, that will be destroyed
when the script ends.
- attach an interface to a VALE bridge, that interface will be detached at
the end of the script.
- a function to generate random MAC addresses.
- a function to parse arguments common to all test scripts.

While i was writing the library i started to write some test case to check
if everything worked correctly.

Project wiki: https://wiki.freebsd.org/SummerOfCode2018Projects/ExtensionsToNetmap
SVN repository: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/socsvn/soc2018/sduo/


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