[intel smap, kpatch] weekly report #1

Oliver Pinter oliver.pntr at gmail.com
Wed May 28 22:13:04 UTC 2014

Hi all!

I'm working on Intel SMAP technology in first half of GSoC.
At first week I investigated in SMAP technology and relevant FreeBSD
codes, whats changed since my Bsc thesis.

I implemented a vulnerable kernel module and PoC to test allowed and
not allowed memory access scenario. Created my wiki page, svn repo,
and git repo.

svn: http://svnweb.freebsd.org/socsvn/soc2014/op/
git: https://github.com/opntr/opBSD (branches:
op/gsoc2014/{master,smap,kpatch} )
wiki: https://wiki.freebsd.org/SummerOfCode2014/IntelSMAPandKernelPatching
test-cases: http://svnweb.freebsd.org/socsvn/soc2014/op/tests/smap-tester/

Good days,

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