[Machine readable output from userland utilities] report

Zaro Korchev zkorchev at mail.bg
Mon Jun 9 13:22:49 UTC 2014

Hi everybody

This week I continued adding structured output capabilities to packages.

I have modified fstat in the base system. I have also a lot of work done on netstat but it's pretty big and so I'm not finished with it yet.

I made a macro that simplifies using string leterals as map keys in libsol. I'm in the process of making the tools I have already converted use it. This will slightly reduce the complexity of the code and hopefully decrease the amount of possible bugs :)

Most of the changes I have committed to the svn server (I have left out the changes that don't compile at the moment).

One issue I encountered is that currently some integers are displayed in hexadecimal but it's possible that the underlying output format does not support hexadecimal integers (as is the case with JSON). At the moment I'm just displaying them as decimal numbers. I would be glad to hear if somebody has a better suggestion.


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