[Status Report - Week 01] Automated Kernel Crash Reporting System

Tzanetos Balitsaris tzabal at it.teithe.gr
Tue May 29 18:33:43 UTC 2012

The first week of coding has started with the Client Side part of the  
project. After having a valuable discussion in the freebsd-hackers  
mailing list, the initial design of the project changed in many aspects.

Here is a list of things that changed from the initial planning:
* Rename kcrashreporter to crashreport
* The rc.d script kcrashreporter has been replaced by an 'if'  
statement inside the rc.d savevore script.
* The location of crashreport program is /usr/sbin/crashreport.
* The collection of the debugging information will be done from the  
/usr/sbin/crashinfo shell script.
* The method for transferring the reports from the client to the  
Central Collector machine will be via the SSH protocol using the scp  
tool of OpenSSH with public key authentication.

During the first week, in my socsvn repository, I created a directory  
called client-side in which I branched head. All the code related to  
the Client side part of the project will be uploaded there. This  
branch will be merged regularly with head to keep it up to date. Here  
is a list of the things in brief that I have done in the first week:
* Setup socsvn repository and familiarize myself with Subversion
* Introduce the three rc.conf variables in /etc/defaults/rc.conf
* Modify the /etc/rc.d/savecore script in order to trigger the  
automated behavior of crashreport
* Create the crashreport Bourne Shell script under /usr/sbin.  
Crashreport is in 90 percent complete. It can be invoked either  
automatically (in boot) or manually from the System Administrator and  
it can locate, collect and send the report on his own without any  
parameters passed explicitly.
* Decide and implement both in client side (in crashreport) and in  
server side (in the actual server machine - i.e my desktop for the  
development of the project) the way that the reports will be  
transfered. In short, the SSH protocol through the OpenSSH tool scp  
with public key authentication. Familiarize myself with public key  
cryptography, SSH and techniques on how to close security holes on the  
server side when using public key authentication with multiple clients  
that connect to the server.

For more information about the status of the project, please refer to  
the Wiki page of the project.  
(http://wiki.freebsd.org/SummerOfCode2012/AutomatedKernelCrashReportingSystem). For this week, check the section "Client Side  

Finally, in the socsvn repository, there are all my commits along with  
descriptive comments. (http://svnweb.freebsd.org/socsvn/soc2012/tzabal/)

Tzanetos Balitsaris

Tzanetos Balitsaris

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