[Status Report - Week 04] Automated Kernel Crash Reporting System

Tzanetos Balitsaris tzabal at it.teithe.gr
Tue Jun 19 12:21:02 UTC 2012

This week I have not much to report because I focused on the exams of  
my school. Most of my exams were for this week. Until my next report,  
I will try to do the tasks from both weeks.

* Finish the rc script crashreportd (/etc/rc.d/crashreportd). The  
standard methods of the rc.d system are supported (start, stop,  
restart, rcvar and status) and it behaves like a real daemon  
(background process, disconnected from stdin, stdout and strerr  

* Add the crashreportd daemon (/usr.sbin/crashreportd) which is the  
program that is handled from the rc.d script crashreportd. This is the  
program that it will perform all the server side tasks. This first  
version is primitive and incomplete and it is written in PHP. There  
are probabilities to switch to another language (Python). It will be  
defined and implemented until the next report.

Tzanetos Balitsaris

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