Status report

Eric McCorkle ericmcc at
Wed Aug 8 13:21:24 UTC 2012

Now that I can get status reports through...

At the present, I'm working in a full test environment, a partition 
containing a full system, which I'm trying to boot.  My objective now is 
to identify exactly where things go wrong with attempting to boot the 
kernel.  I know there are issues with the kernel being non-contiguous in 
memory, but I want to get a clearer picture of why it fails.

However, I have been traveling for job interviews more or less 
continuously for the past two weeks, so my progress has been very slow.

On a more important note, the end of coding is approaching.  However, I 
have no intention of stoping work on EFI at that time.  Rather, 
I intend to keep going, as part of my open-source work.  Therefore, I 
need to start setting up whatever resources I'll need to continue working.

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