[status report] RPS/RFS #week3

Kazuya Goda gockzy at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 16:30:47 UTC 2011


The goal of my project is to implement RPS/RFS on FreeBSD. RPS solves
the problem of
mono-queue NIC which can't distribute packets across multiple processors.

*This week status:
I search for a cause TCP connection problem.To solve problems, I got
log of established connections.
The results showed that established connection decrease on enable RPS
kernel.I search for  cause,
 but I don't know where is the bottleneck.

*Next week:
I continue to search for a cause. I think below plans:

- Benchmark test on Linux kernel
I check RPS performance on Linux kernel.

- CPU selector change
Packets aren't distributed CPU which running dispatcher. Dispatcher
takes over CPU on high-load,
this cause to reduce schedule length for protocol stack.


Kazuya Goda

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