pkg_patch status

Ivan Voras ivoras at
Tue Aug 17 18:15:10 UTC 2010

To leave a record, this is the final SoC status report for pkg_patch.
Per the SoC rules, the final version of the project is comprised of
code which was written before the "pencils-down" deadline which was on
the 16th. This code is available as a tarball of my local hg
repository here:

or as a live (changing after the SoC deadline) hg repository here:

My opinion is that the project was successfully completed and has a
good chance of being used in production, after a few policy-related
decisions are made about some specific behaviour, which I hope to
discuss with my mentor.

The project implements the following functionalities:

 - Package patch creation - takes two package files ("source" and
"target"), produces a patch package
 - Package patch application - takes a patch package file and applies
it to the current system
 - Mass package patch creation - takes two directories with package
files, matches their packages and produces a third directory with
patch files and an index of patch files
 - Mass package update - reads the index of available patches,
compares it to the current system and updates packages that need to be

The man page is here:

It was a good SoC and since it will probably be my last, I want to
thank everyone on good organization and support! :)

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