ipfw, status update and final report

marta carbone marta at freebsd.org
Thu Aug 20 17:10:04 UTC 2009

During the last week I worked on the ipfw userland configuration tool
and on the userland-kernel interface.

The default behavior of the ipfw configuration tool is to silently accept
different syntax to specify the rules. Now it has a new "strict"
option which implements stronger error checking.

The userland-kernel interface allowed to transfer the whole ruleset for
each userland request.  Rules transfer is now split in two parts,
static and dynamic, allowing to request only a subset of rules. This
reduces the size of transfers and contention on kernel data structures.

Now that the project is at the end, I summarized the work done so far.

- the ipfw and dummynet source code was moved in a separate directory;
- the ipfw_chk() function, composed by a very huge switch statement,
  is now implemented by a dispatching table, making the code more
  readable. Before an after this change, I did a set of performance
  measurements to profile the ipfw_chk() execution times;
- the microinstruction compiler is now built as a library, splitting
  the ipfw compilation and decompilation functions from the socket I/O
- the userland ipfw configuration tool is built using such `libipfw'
- the userland-kernel rule interface allows distinct transfers for
  static or dynamic rules;
- the ipfw userland code has a new options to implement strict
  checks on rule parsing.

The code related to this work was uploaded on the perforce server,
on the soc2009/marta_ipfw project.


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