PERFORCE change 166304 for review

Gabor Pali pgj at
Mon Jul 20 15:45:58 UTC 2009

Change 166304 by pgj at beehive on 2009/07/20 15:45:18

	MFen (www):
		1.84       -> 1.85       hu/share/sgml/press.xml

Affected files ...

.. //depot/projects/docproj_hu/www/hu/share/sgml/press.xml#17 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/projects/docproj_hu/www/hu/share/sgml/press.xml#17 (text+ko) ====

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 <!-- The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project
      Translated by: PALI, Gabor <pgj at>
      %SOURCE%   share/sgml/press.xml
-     %SRCID%    1.84
+     %SRCID%    1.85
@@ -19,6 +19,33 @@
+      <name>7</name>
+      <story>
+	<name>Mi&eacute;rt nem kell a &os;&nbsp;8 miatt
+	  &uacute;jra&iacute;rni a k&ouml;nyvet?</name>
+	<url></url>
+	<site-name> &dash; WebMediaBrands Inc.</site-name>
+	<site-url></site-url>
+	<date>2009. j&uacute;lius 15.</date>
+	<author>Sean Michael Kerner</author>
+	<p>A cikk a &os; leg&uacute;jabb, 8.0
+	  kiad&aacute;s&aacute;r&oacute;l sz&oacute;l, amellyel
+	  kapcsolatban megsz&oacute;lal benne t&ouml;bbek k&ouml;zt
+	  Michael Lucas, az Absolute &os; c&iacute;m&#251; k&ouml;nyv
+	  szerz&#245;je, valamint Matt Olander az iXsystems &eacute;s
+	  Kris Moore a PC-BSD r&eacute;sz&eacute;r&#245;l.  A
+	  cikkb&#245;l megtudhatjuk, hogy a &os; mik&eacute;nt marad
+	  majdnem ugyanaz a rendszer m&eacute;g a nagyobb verzi&oacute;k
+	  k&ouml;zt is, &eacute;s mik&eacute;nt hoz mag&aacute;val
+	  &uacute;j&iacute;t&aacute;sokat &eacute;s
+	  fejleszt&eacute;seket a felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;k
+	  paradigmav&aacute;lt&aacute;sra
+	  k&eacute;nyszer&iacute;t&eacute;se n&eacute;lk&uuml;l.</p>
+      </story>
+    </month>
+    <month>

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