Plone port without even plonectl ?

Ruslan Makhmatkhanov cvs-src at
Fri Nov 8 13:13:40 UTC 2013


Alice Vixie wrote on 08.11.2013 15:45:
> Hi,
> a beginner's question:    after installing www/plone I couldn't even
> find plonectl command as recommended at the very start of the manual.
> Is there any FreeBSD-ports-friendly manual? The official one starts
> with strong warning against the packages and ports (incl. FreeBSD).
> Thank you very much in advance

What's plonectl? In FreeBSD it have no individual start-up script - you 
just starting zope with plone installed.

Just start it with `service zope213 start` and add zope213_enable="YES" 
in /etc/rc.conf to survive the reboot. That's all. There is another 
options to set multiple Zope instances etc, you may find that info 
there: /usr/ports/www/zope213/files/

It is displayed upon install.


T.O.S. Of Reality

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