NOTIFY missing in Thunar Makefile

Olivier Duchateau duchateau.olivier at
Tue Sep 11 04:41:25 UTC 2012

2012/9/10 Norbert Augenstein <lists at>:
>         Hi,
>         in Thunar Makefile option 'NOTIFY' is missing in line 'OPTIONS_DEFINE='
>         so this option is always 'off' and does not even show up.

You're right, NOTIFY isn't defined in OPTIONS_DEFINE.
root at tuborg:/usr/ports/x11-fm/thunar # rm -Rf /var/db/ports/Thunar/
root at tuborg:/usr/ports/x11-fm/thunar # make pretty-print-config
root at tuborg:/usr/ports/x11-fm/thunar #

But if you compile Thunar, and devel/libnotify is installed, you can
see this support is enabled.

Build Configuration:

* D-BUS support:                      yes
* GIO UNIX features:                  yes
* Startup Notification:               yes
* GUDev (required for thunar-volman): no
* Mount notification support:         yes
* Debug Support:                      minimum

Additional Plugins:

* Advanced Properties:                yes
* Simple Builtin Renamers:            yes
* Trash Panel Applet:                 yes
* User Customizable Actions:          yes
* Wallpaper support:                  yes

In fact, NOTIFY is **always** enabled, because it's defined in OPTIONS_DEFAULT.

I think it's mistake.

>         --> auge
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