11-RELEASE and live migration

Jay West jwest at ezwind.net
Wed Dec 7 17:26:19 UTC 2016

Rainer wrote...
We've also seen this (unexplainable reboots, I think they happen after

But it never hangs. It seems to actually "reboot", as if somebody had
pressed CTRL-ALT-DEL or typed "reboot".

I should also point out... on the same pair of hosts, there are a few
windows server 2012 r2 and windows 7 pro VM's. None of them have problems
migrating back and forth. It's only the F11 ones that do.

First migration goes fine, and vm can be logged in to and excercised. But
then migrate it back... and it goes to the fake bios post screen (I
forget... cirrus bios or something).. and then just hangs without loading OS
so there is no message from the OS.

Strange... I have older versions of freebsd on an older version of
xenserver... and the above definitely is not a problem there.

Perhaps it's something amiss with my new setup, but the windows vm's migrate


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