Poor disk IO on Xenserver 6.2

Roger Pau Monné roger.pau at citrix.com
Fri Aug 29 17:08:51 UTC 2014

El 29/08/14 a les 11.16, Marko Lerota ha escrit:
> I have installed FreeBSD 10 release, stable and current on 
> Xenserver 6.2 with latest patches. All of them have poor disk 
> write speed. Performance from 12MBps - 25MBps. I tried it on
> other servers but the performance is the same. Latest Debian
> stable on the same machine have 300MBps disk speed. Am I missing
> something after installation or this is the default speed?

I've certainly seen higher speeds, around 25-35MB/s on my box, which is
the same speed I can get with a Linux guest. Could you describe how you
are running your tests?


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