after update to xorg-server-1.20, Sun keys are not recognized

Kostas Oikonomou k.oikonomou at
Sat Jun 13 13:59:55 UTC 2020


I have been using a Sun type 6 USB keyboard for a long time with my FreeBSD
After the update to xorg-server-1.20, the Sun-specific keys on the left of the
keyboard are no longer recognized.

Here is the output of setxkbmap:

[ko at wiley ~]$ setxkbmap -print
xkb_keymap {
	xkb_keycodes  { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)"	};
	xkb_types     { include "complete"	};
	xkb_compat    { include "complete"	};
	xkb_symbols   { include
"pc+sun_vndr/us+sun_vndr/gr(simple):2+inet(evdev)+group(menu_toggle)"	};
	xkb_geometry  { include "sun(type6unix)"	};
[ko at wiley ~]$ 

And here is what libinput debug-events --verbose --show-keycodes reports, first
pair of columns, 
and what xev reports, second pair of
columns:Stop   KEY_POWER      116    Xf86PowerOff    124
Again  KEY_SLEEP      142    XF86Sleep       150
Copy   KEY_WAKEUP     143    XF86Wakeup      151
Paste  KEY_SEARCH     217    XF86Search      225
Find   KEY_BOOKMARKS  156    XF86Favorites   164
Cut    KEY_REFRESH    173    XF86Reload      181
A) I've tried to fix some mappings, e.g. the Copy key, by doing

xmodmap -e "keycode 143 = XF86Copy"

but this doesn't work. Similarly for Paste, etc.

B) You can see that the important keys Open, Front, and Undo produce no keycodes
at all.

C) I had previously posted this question to the X11 forum. It resulted in a long
discussion, but no resolution.
Please see below:

Any help would be appreciated.


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