kde5 and DBus issue + input problems

Grzegorz Junka list1 at gjunka.com
Sun May 26 14:41:07 UTC 2019


Trying kde5 on a fresh FreeBSD 12-RELEASE system. I pretty much 
installed kde5 and xinit. Then edited .xinitrc to contain

exec /usr/local/bin/startkde

Initially startx was starting the X11 session but nothing was being 
shown apart from a window with this note:

Could not sync environment to dbus

I then run

dbus-uuidgen --ensure

and now the desktop starts fine. Is this a bug or expected? Note that I 
am using my own compiled kde5 so some settings may not be the default ones.

Another issue is that once the desktop starts neither mouse nor keyboard 
works. Both work fine in the command line mode, i.e. before startx. What 
might the issue?


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